Earn Money with CampCodes
What do we offer?
- Unlimited blog posting of your Source Code or Tutorials in Any Programming Language.
- Good servers with a good network speed.
- Only authors can post to earn. Preferably a Filipino Citizen.
- To become an author contact admin with the email: serbermz2020@gmail.com.
Rules & Conditions
- We will block any user who’ll try to abuse our blog immediately without warning.
- We will create your account on this site to post and earn money.
- Use internal file sharing to upload your files and only share files link on campcodes.com
- Files upload into our server will be checked by admin of campcodes.com.
- Your posts must honor our terms of service & respect copyrights.
- DMCA Files : If your post is copyrighted and reported by the owner of the post, your post will be deleted permanently from our blog.
- Payments will be sent via Gcash or Bank Fund Transfer and will be transfer to your account every 15th of the Month.
- Using campcodes.com it means that you have agreed to the terms and policies of the site.
- Any copyrighted or adult material are not allowed on campcodes.com.