Sublime Text
Sublime Text is a commonly-used text editor used to write Python code. Sublime Text’s slick user interface, along with its numerous extensions for syntax highlighting, source file finding and analyzing code metrics make the editor more accessible to new programmers than some other applications like Vim and Emacs.
What makes Sublime Text awesome?
Sublime Text is often the first editor that newer programmers pick up because it works on all operating systems, and it is far more approachable than Emacs, Vim, or even PyCharm.
It is easy to get started in Sublime because the menus and options are accessible by using a mouse. There are no different modes to learn, like Vim’s normal and insert modes. The keyboard shortcuts can be determined over time rather than all at once in the case of Vim or Emacs.
Sublime Text works well for beginners as soon as they install it and can be extended with many of the features provided by an IDE like PyCharm as a developer’s skill level ramps up.
An additional bonus of using Sublime Text as a Python developer is that plugins are written in Python. Python developers can extend Sublime Text with their programming language rather than learn a new language like Emacs’ Elisp or Vim’s Vimscript.
Why use any other editor if Sublime is so great?
Picking a text editor or IDE to use tends to be a weirdly personal decision for each developer. Yet it makes sense when you realize that you are going to spend hours upon hours every day in your chosen environment, so why not make sure it is enjoyable and highly productive?
Some folks prefer Vim‘s keyboard-driven style, PyCharm‘s Swiss Army Knife set of Python tools, or one of the many other editors with its strengths and weaknesses.
The only “best” editor choice is to pick one that works well for you and stick to it. Master your tool, so it gets out of your way and enables as much time in programming flow as possible.
Download first the Sublime Text 3 Installer at this link.
Second, download the file below. Copy and Paste it Help – License Code.
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