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Project: Budget Management System in PHP and MySQL with Source Code
About Budget Management System Project Free Download
Budget Management System with Source Code is a PHP project that can compute your actual expense through the web app. The program was built using PHP, MySQLi, and Javascript. The program is straightforward to use. The user can enter an amount and description to compute the total amount of expenses. The system will auto calculate the inputted amount and display the overall cost after listing it all. The system is a simple project that can help you budget your daily expenses and prepare for the future.
This Budget Management System has a PHP CRUD Operations, which is helpful to the students and self-learners that is learning to develop web applications using PHP Language with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and other plugins and Libraries. The source code scripts are well written so that the learners can easily understand the script. Feel Free to download and modify the source code. Continue Reading to know the project features and installation requirements, and instructions.
Features of Budget Management System
- Add New Expense
- Update Existing Expense
- Delete Expense from List
- List of Expenses
- Total Expense
- All Users List
How To Run??
Above all, to run this project you must have installed a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC. Budget Management System in PHP and MySQL with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!
Follow the following steps after Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP:
1st Step: Firstly, Extract the file
2nd Step: After that, Copy the main project folder
3rd Step: So, you need to Paste in xampp/htdocs/
Further, Now Connecting Database
4th Step: So, for now, Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
5th Step: After that, Click on the databases tab
6th Step: So, Create a database naming “budget_calculator” and then click on the import tab
7th Step: Certainly, Click on browse file and select “budget_calculator.sql” file which is inside the “db” folder
8th Step: Meanwhile, click on Go button.
After Creating Database,
9th Step: Moreover, Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/budget”
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