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Project: Complete Business Management System (CMS) using PHP and MySQL with Source Code
Managing business operations can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to handling day-to-day administrative tasks like employee management, inventory tracking, customer interactions, and sales processing. That’s why many companies are turning to CMS (Content Management Systems) designed specifically for business management. One such powerful tool is the Business Management System CMS using PHP and MySQL, a robust platform that offers everything from customer and sales tracking to reporting and resource management.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the main features of this system, explore how it can benefit your business, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to download and implement it into your organization.
About Complete Business Management System (CMS) using PHP MySQL Project Free Download
Complete Business Management System (CMS) using PHP MySQL Free Download is the perfect agency business or any kind of website with this PHP Script. Nexelit is a better way to present your business, corporate website, construction website, interior, agency, events, event ticket selling, donation website, crowdfunding, fund rising, job posting, manage your customer, quotation, clients feedback, product selling, digital product selling, physical product selling, downloable product selling, various kind of website etc. It’s easy to customise and also well documented. it also compatible with Desktop, laptop, mobile and also compatible with major browsers.
Features of Complete Business Management System (CMS)
- Product Module – Business Management System (CMS) has product selling module. Which help you to sell your digital or physical product. You can sell both of them. User can give their ratings. Also it has a beautiful products page with multiple filter options. It has attribute option, which help you to describe your product easily. Also have stock system, if the product is out of stock add to cart button will be disabled for it. You can also offer coupon code to your customer. There is also option to put your shipping details separately you can select default shipping method. It also support cash on delivery along with PayPal/paytm/paystack/razorpay/stripe/flutterwave rave/mollie/manual payment etc. you can enable disable any payment gateway.
Events Module – you can showcase your event also you can sell you event ticket with this script. It has event organiser details with venue details. it also have option to put google map location for event Venues.
Appointment Module – you can add appointment system such as doctor, advocate etc, user can select data and time and set appointment dynamically, you can manage it from admin panel, it also support 8 payment gateway comes with the cms.
Course Selling Module – you can sale online & offline courses using this cms, it has support set maximum applicant, also it comes with 8 payment gateway support, you can set lesson as preview.
Donation Module – Business Management System (CMS) comes with support of donation system. You can set your cause to rise fund from user. There has option to show raised amount as well as goal amount. It also support PayPal/paytm/paystack/razorpay/stripe/flutterwave rave/mollie payment gateway along with manual payment gateway. It has progress bar to show your cause funding percentage. You can check all the transaction made at the backend.
Jobs Module – Business Management System comet with jobs posting support. You can post any job by category. Any one can apply using mail or using application form. You can set it form admin panel either use applicant form or use mail to get applicant cv.
Knowledge Base Module – It has knowledge base module to make your customer support easy, you can create topic assign them to any article. User can search article form knowledgebase.
Package Selling module – has option to sell your custom service though package. User can send you quote of their work. Or the can directly order your package form price plan or home page, you have option to make your own order form. you have option to get clients feedback using feedback page, also has option to show user feedback using client’s feedback page.
Support Ticket Module – user can easily create support ticket from their user dashboard as well as from support ticket page. they can reply their support ticket from their admin panel, can set priority and able to change ticket status. user can attach a zip file while reply message. has notify option for user.
Popup Builder – This script has popup builder module. There is 4 predefine popup style. You can create as many as popup you want, then set one popup for show. You can set delay time of popup show also you can change all content.
Preloader Builder – has 12 pre made preloader. you can choose any of them. Also there has option to use your own preloader image. You can get preloader option in general settings > preloader.
Drag & Drop Form Builder – comes with a great feature for your need is Drag & Drop Form Builder, it has text, number, email, select, checkbox, textarea, file etc fields. You can easily customise any form of this script. Also you can set is this field is required or not.
Drag & Drop Widget Builder – This Script comes with Widget Builder with 09 pre Made widget. You can build footer widget area with your needed widget. you can also use raw html for widget area, you can show newsletter widget or you can just show an image here. It’s up to you, you have full control over it.
Other Features
Unique Design
System Requirements
System Requirement
Backend Framework: Built
on Laravel 7x
PHP Composer
Frontend Framework: Built on Bootstrap 4x
Requires PHP 7.4
Supports MySQL, Mysqli.
if you are using local development, then it’s recommended to install the script manually. we will guide you in this article step by step about manual install.
Step : 01
Download file from codecanyon and extract in your pc and you will get 03 folder. Listed below
- Documentation
- Installable File
- Update

Now Open installable folder, you will get a zip file. you have to upload it to your server using ftp or file manager.

Step : 02
01. Now login to you cpanel and go to > MySQL® Database Wizard

02. create database

03. Create Database Users, do not forget to keep you database user password, we will need this while we run installation wizard.

04: Add user to the database. check all privileges and click make changes. then click “Next Step”

database create is done, keep database user, database name, database password in a note.

05. now you have to import script database to your newly created database. go to phpmyadmin

06. you will find a folder name “Database>database.sql” in downloaded file, import the database into your created database

07. Upload installable file to server

08. unzip the installable file to server

09. Check Permission of index.php file, make sure it’s file permission to 0755

10. now go to “@core” folder open “.env” file. if you did not see .env file, then copy env-smaple.txt content and make a new file .env paste all the content.

11. change database details with yours, for more info you can check Laravel database documentation

12. save the file once your database configuration is done.

business management system cms website
Super Admin Demo: Super Admin Login
Username super_admin
Password 12345678
Database name: business
How to Download and Install the Business Management System CMS Using PHP/MySQL
To start using the Business Management System CMS built on PHP/MySQL, follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Download the CMS
Head over to CampCodes to download the system. The source code is available for free, giving you full access to the backend and front-end code, allowing for custom modifications if needed.
Step 2: Server Requirements
Before installation, ensure that your server environment meets the following requirements:
- PHP 7.0 or higher: The system is built using the latest version of PHP for optimal performance.
- MySQL 5.6 or higher: Your database should support the latest version of MySQL to handle the CMS effectively.
- Apache or Nginx server: A robust server environment ensures smooth functionality.
Step 3: Installation Guide
Once the necessary files are downloaded, follow this installation process:
- Unzip the downloaded file: Extract the contents of the zip file to a directory on your server.
- Create a MySQL Database: Log into your MySQL admin panel and create a new database for the system.
- Configure the Database: Open the system’s configuration file (config.php) and input your database credentials (host, username, password, database name).
- Run the Installation Script: Navigate to your website directory in your browser (e.g., and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.
- Login to Admin Panel: After successful installation, log into the admin panel to start configuring your system and entering business data.
Step 4: System Configuration
Once logged into the system, you can configure it according to your business needs. Set up users, assign roles, input inventory data, and begin using the system’s full range of features.
Is the Business Management System CMS free to download?
Yes, you can download the Business Management System CMS using PHP/MySQL for free from CampCodes.
What is the technology stack for this CMS?
The system is built using PHP for backend development and MySQL for database management.
Can I customize the system to fit my business needs?
Yes, the CMS is fully customizable since you have access to the full source code.
What are the system requirements for running this CMS?
You’ll need a server running PHP 7.0 or higher and MySQL 5.6 or higher for optimal performance.
Can I manage inventory and sales through this CMS?
Yes, the CMS includes comprehensive Inventory Management and Sales Tracking modules.
Does the system offer financial reporting?
Yes, the system provides detailed financial reports, including expense tracking and budget management.
I hope this Business Management System (CMS) using PHP MySQL will help you with what you are looking for and hope that you will learn something with this project that is useful for your future projects.
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Download Here
This page isn’t working
localhost is currently unable to handle this request.
bagaimana caranya kita menginstal ini di hostinger?
how can i get codes for it development
For me always error 500 server, why ? can you help me?
edit first your .env file
sqlstate(hy000)(1045)access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password :YES)
Give solution
edit first your .env file
How do i edit the .env file?
Open and edit it.
hello please am getting error 500 after successful installation while visiting website
Vérifier la version de PHP elle doit être à 7.4 pour ce site
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away
this error I got while installation
this is the error
Warning: file_put_contents(../@core/.env): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/businessmanagement/install/ajax.php on line 94
[{“type”:”danger”,”msg”:”SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ‘super_admin’ for key ‘admins_username_unique'”}]
when installing the button install is not working and is not installing the database
SQLSTATE[08S01]: Communication link failure: 1153 Got a packet bigger than ‘max_allowed_packet’ bytes I get this error when installing the app
Can’t upload image
me too
lo han podido solucionar ?
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)
showing this error during setup
the forget password is returning error 500 server
I tried to down load the complete business management template but I failed to down the file from cranyon
Users can’t login to this system and it brings a lot of errors,can u please revise the system??
SQLSTATE[08S01]: Communication link failure: 1153 Got a packet bigger than ‘max_allowed_packet’ bytes
why this?