Church Management System Software in PHP MySQL Free Download

March 24, 2024
Church Management System in PHP MySQL

Project: Online Church Management System Software in PHP and MySQL with Source Code

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of Online Church Management System Software in PHP MySQL, a powerful tool designed to streamline administrative tasks for clergy members. Developed using PHP and MySQL, this software offers a robust set of features to manage church operations effectively. Let’s explore the functionalities, installation process, and key aspects of this innovative system.

About Church Management System Software Project Free Download

The Church Management System Software was developed to help the clergies manage the church members and finances from the headquarters to the branch levels. It contains several modules and majorly the members and the admin side. The admin aside has access to all software features and functionalities while the members manage their system account, Tithes, and other givings.

The Church Management System Software serves as a centralized platform for managing various aspects of church administration, from member information to financial transactions. Its modular design encompasses both administrative and member-oriented functionalities, ensuring seamless communication and organization within the church community.

This Church Management System was developed using PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and bootstrap for the design. The system has a pleasant user interface and user-friendly functionalities.

You can download also the project documentation here.

Key Features:

Admin Management:

  • Member Management: Efficiently organize and maintain records of church members.
  • Teen and Sunday School Management: Dedicated modules for managing teen and Sunday school members.
  • Visitor Management: Track and manage information related to church visitors.
  • Event Management: Plan and coordinate church events with ease.
  • Financial Management: Facilitate the collection and tracking of tithes and other donations.
  • User Management: Administer system users and their permissions effectively.
  • Search Functionality: Easily locate members using their mobile numbers for quick reference.

Member Portal:

  • Financial Contributions: Enable members to record and manage their tithes and other contributions conveniently.
  • Event Notifications: Provide members with updates on upcoming events and birthdays.
  • Account Viewing: Allow members to access their system accounts for personal management.

Features of Church Management System Software


  • Manage Members
  • Manage Teen Members
  • Manage Sunday School Members
  • Manage Visitors
  • Manage Events
  • Manage Givings/Tithes
  • Manage System Users
  • Search Member using Mobile number


  • Manage Givings/Tithes
  • Manage Other Givings
  • View Upcoming Events
  • View Upcoming Birthdays
  • View System Account

Church Management System Flowchart

The flowchart depicts the interconnected processes and interactions within the Church Management System Software. It illustrates the flow of data and actions between different entities, including administrators, members, and various system modules. Here’s a detailed description of the flowchart:

Church Management System Flowchart

Church Management System Flowchart

  1. Visitor Registration: The flowchart begins with the process of visitor registration, where visitors provide their information to the administrator.
  2. Member Management: Administrators manage church members by maintaining their records and information. This includes regular members, teen members, and Sunday school members.
  3. Event Management: The system allows administrators to organize and manage church events efficiently. This involves planning, scheduling, and coordinating various events within the church community.
  4. Financial Management: Administrators oversee the collection and tracking of tithes and other financial contributions from church members. This module also includes managing other types of givings.
  5. System User Administration: Administrators manage user accounts and permissions within the system, ensuring proper access levels for different users.
  6. Member Interaction: Church members interact with the system by recording their financial contributions, viewing upcoming events, birthdays, and accessing their personal system accounts.

Church Management System ER Diagram

Below is an Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram representing the structure and relationships within the Church Management System Software:

Church Management System ER Diagram

Church Management System ER Diagram


  1. ADMIN:
    • Attributes: AdminID, Username, Password
    • Description: Represents administrators who oversee various aspects of the church management system, including member management, event organization, and financial transactions.
  2. MEMBER:
    • Attributes: MemberID, Name, Email, Phone
    • Description: Represents individuals who are members of the church community. They may participate in events, make financial contributions, and have user accounts assigned to them.
    • Attributes: VisitorID, Name, Email, Phone
    • Description: Represents individuals who visit the church and may register as members. Visitors provide their information for registration purposes.
  4. EVENT:
    • Attributes: EventID, Name, Date, Location
    • Description: Represents events organized by the church, such as services, meetings, or special gatherings. Events have specific dates and locations.
    • Attributes: TransactionID, MemberID, Amount, Timestamp
    • Description: Represents financial transactions within the church management system. Members make contributions, such as tithes or donations, which are recorded along with the transaction details.
  6. USER:
    • Attributes: UserID, Username, Password, Role
    • Description: Represents user accounts within the system, which may include administrators, members, or other roles. Users have login credentials and assigned roles determining their access and permissions.


    • Description: Administrators manage members within the system, overseeing their information, participation in events, and financial contributions.
    • Description: Administrators organize and manage events within the church, including scheduling, location, and coordination of activities.
    • Description: Administrators oversee financial transactions within the system, ensuring accurate recording and management of contributions made by members.
    • Description: Members make financial contributions within the system, such as tithes or donations, which are recorded as financial transactions.
    • Description: Visitors to the church may register as members within the system, providing their information for membership purposes.
    • Description: Members are assigned user accounts within the system, allowing them to access various functionalities based on their roles and permissions.

This ER Diagram illustrates the entities and relationships involved in the Church Management System, facilitating effective organization, communication, and management within the church community.

Church Management System Project in PHP MySQL

  • Name of Project: Church Management System Project
  • Language:                  PHP
  • Databases used:      MySQL
  • Design used:            HTML JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap
  • Browser used:          IE8, Google Chrome, Opera Mozilla
  • Software used:         WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP


church management system software

church management software admin login

church management system in php mysql project

church management system project user login

Installation Guide

To set up the Church Management System Software on your local machine, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download and Install XAMPP: Ensure you have XAMPP installed, providing a virtual server environment for running PHP applications.
  2. File Extraction: Extract the downloaded project files to a designated folder on your system.
  3. Copy Project Folder: Copy the extracted project folder and paste it into the ‘htdocs’ directory of your XAMPP installation.
  4. Database Setup: Access phpMyAdmin through your browser and create a new database named “cman”. Import the provided SQL file located in the ‘db’ folder to initialize the database structure.
  5. Accessing the System: Open your web browser and navigate to “http://localhost/cman” to access the Church Management System.

How To Run

Above all, to run this project you must have installed a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC. Church Management System Software in PHP and MySQL with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!

Follow the following steps after Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP:

1st Step: Firstly, Extract the file
2nd Step: After that, Copy the main project folder
3rd Step: So, you need to Paste in xampp/htdocs/

Further, Now Connecting Database

4th Step: So, for now, Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
5th Step: After that, Click on the databases tab
6th Step: So, Create a database naming “cman” and then click on the import tab
7th Step: Certainly, Click on browse file and select “cman.sql” file which is inside the “db” folder
8th Step: Meanwhile, click on Go button.

After Creating Database,

9th Step: Moreover, Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/cman”

Admin Credentials

Use the following credentials to log in as an administrator:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

Project Demonstration

Watch this video for the demonstration and for the project documentation, you can download it here.


In conclusion, the Church Management System Software offers a comprehensive solution for managing various aspects of church administration efficiently. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, it simplifies tasks for both administrators and members alike. Download this software today and experience enhanced organization and communication within your church community.

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Free Download Church Management System in PHP MySQL Source Code

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    • – When a new user fills the registration form, he does not seem to get registered.

      LANKAPATI RAVAN September 9, 2024 7:02 pm Reply
    • I can not access the link for the documentation project. when I click on the link provided above, the page takes me to the enrollment system documentation.

      Adão Mário May 29, 2024 12:37 am Reply
    • I can solve any difficulty encountered here on camp codes, reach out to me via and on WhatsApp +2349132064109.

      Fitiwebs Online April 29, 2024 8:16 pm Reply

      Anonymous April 8, 2024 2:38 am Reply
      i can not see the link to download the source code, show me where to make it, or if you already have it, please help me by sending into my email.

      Adao mario February 1, 2024 8:35 pm Reply
      • Hi, it’s in the last content of the description. You can also found it in the table of contents or the color pink button.

        Lyndon Bermoy March 24, 2024 7:14 pm Reply
        • thank you for give freely your source code. I am informatic student and i am building a church ms for my local church too and i have do not have experience.I would like to ask you if is possible send me the video where you are building this system from beggining to the end

          Adão Mário May 28, 2024 9:53 pm Reply
    • Hello, can’t open the localhost/cman/admin
      Error messages reads: warning:mysqli_connect():The server requested authentication method unknown to the client[caching_sha2_password] in dbcon.php

      Hy000/2054 – cannot connect to the database

      Obed January 31, 2024 6:22 pm Reply
    • Thanks, guys for the system, I have followed all the instructions and done the needful and I just wanted to appreciate and thank you that now the system is working.

      Glory be God

      Gilbert Harry April 28, 2023 4:16 am Reply
        i can not see the link to download the source code, show me where to make it, or if you already have it, please help me by sending into my email.

        Adao mario February 1, 2024 8:34 pm Reply
    • The branch part does not seem to be working. So when I tried http//cman/branch
      The system returned a fatal error
      Kindly tell me how I can resolve these problems.

      Samuel Yakubu July 27, 2022 12:58 am Reply
    • I am a teacher in Nairobi. I have been testing your source code with my students. I have installed it on a XAMPP server in virtual host mode. However, I found out there are several problems:
      – When a new user fills the registration form, he does not seem to get registered.
      – The branch part does not seem to be working. So when I tried http//cman/branch
      The system returned a fatal error
      Kindly tell me how I can resolve these problems.

      wycliff mutesa August 16, 2021 11:54 pm Reply

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