Table of Contents
Project: Complaint Management System Project in PHP and MySQL with Source Code
About Complaint Management System Project Free Download
Complaint Management System Project with Source Code is a PHP project that can request a complaint through online service. The system was built using PHP, HTML, MYSQLi and Javascript. The system is easy to operate and manage, the user can sign up an account and provide a login information before you send your complaint request. The user must fill up some needed information to start up a complaint to any topic that they’re against with. The admin have an important role here, he/she has to approve the complaints about the proceeding processes.
Features of Complaint Management System Project with Source Code
- Admin Profile
- Manage Complaint
- Manage Users
- Add Category
- Add Sub-Category
- Add State
- User Login Log
- User Area: Dashboard
- Account Setting
- Lodge Complaint
- Complaint History
Complaint Management System Project
- Name of Project: Complaint Management System Project
- Language: PHP
- Databases used: MySQL
- Design used: HTML JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap
- Browser used: IE8, Google Chrome, Opera Mozilla
- Software used: WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP
How To Run??
Above all, to run this project you must have installed a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC. School File Management System in PHP and MySQL with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!
Follow the following steps after Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP:
1st Step: Firstly, Extract the file
2nd Step: After that, Copy the main project folder
3rd Step: So, you need to Paste in xampp/htdocs/
Further, Now Connecting Database
4th Step: So, for now, Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
5th Step: After that, Click on the databases tab
6th Step: So, Create a database naming “cms” and then click on the import tab
7th Step: Certainly, Click on browse file and select “cms.sql” file which is inside the “db” folder
8th Step: Meanwhile, click on Go button.
After Creating Database,
9th Step: Moreover, Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/Complaint_Management_System”
user: admin
pass: admin
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need changes required any one can help