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Project: Complete Online Salon Booking System using PHP and MySQL with Source Code
About Complete Online Salon Booking System using PHP MySQL Project Free Download
Complete Online Salon Booking System using PHP MySQL Free Download is a simple application where clients can book their appointments easily. Anyone can use this to manage online bookings. Online Salon Booking System is developed using Laravel, Vue.js & MySQL database. It’s easy to install and you’ll get free updates forever. Online Salon Booking System is a web application where people can easily book different services from online. You can add multiple hourly or daily services. The user interface makes the booking process easier. It helps visitors to book their desired services in minutes.
Features of Complete Online Salon Booking System
- Admin can add multiple services
- Anyone can submit booking easily
- Admin can control different settings and booking restrictions
- Ability to set holidays and off days prevent bookings for some days
- Email notifications for booking updates
- Custom email templates
- Custom fields for booking and services
- Ability to get online payment via PayPal and Stripe whenever submit booking
- Client dashboard for registered clients
- Free updates
Server requirements
- PHP >= 7.4
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- ZIP PHP Extension
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Upload the file to your server which you have downloaded from CodeCanyon. Please remember to show hidden files. There are 2 files named .env and .htaccess which are hidden by default. Remember to upload all files.
- Create the database and remember these things for future usage.
- database name
- username
- password
- Go to URL your_domain/subfolder_name/public/app/environment or your_domain/app/environment. Configure you database. Give your purchase code and press Save & Next.

salon booking system installation
4. After configure you will go for next step. Here you need to provide Email, Password and Full name. It will create an user on the system. You need to login you system using these credentials.
5. To install this application in a sub folder:
Please go to URL your_domain/subfolder_name/public” and follow the instructions there.
We recommend to install this in root directory or in a subdomin. If you install it in a subfolder, you have to browse the urls using your_domain/subfolder_name/public”
How to use
Application settings
1. Please go to “Settings”>”Application Settings”.
Now configure all the setting as your application required.

Email settings
Please configure the email setting before using this application. If this setting gets any configuration error, mail might not be sent to the clients.
At first, go to “Settings”>”Email”.
If you want to add your server email for this configuration then select “Send mail” from “Email driver”. You can also choose “SMTP”, if you want to add other email provider’s service.
You can also check if the setting is working or not by giving a mail address in the “Test mail” while saving the changes.
Set email sent from name as your choice.
Set your Email address as email. [N.B: Grant permission to access your email for this application, if needed.(example: For Gmail – Allow less secure apps: ‘ON’)].
Select email driver. If smtp:-
Type email host name.[ example : for gmail, ]
Type the port number :- [ example : for gmail, port 587 ]
Type password :- password of that email with is used as the email address.
Select Encryption type :- Port 465 (SSL required), Port 587 (TLS required).
Working days
1. Go to “Settings”>”Off Day”. Select the off days and save the changes. The unchecked days will be your default working days.
2. Go to “Settings”>”Holidays”>”Add”. You can set holidays from the calendar. In the holidays clients will not be able to add bookings.
Set off days

Client permissions
1. You can set clients permission.
Go to “Settings”>”Client”. If “Client can signup” and “Client can login” is checked, then clients will able to signup and login to their account.
If you want to get booking only from registered clients, then check “Client can submit booking only after login” and save the changes.
User permissions
1. You can add roles to the users.
Go to “Settings”>”Roles”>”Add”. Then add role by giving permissions.
2. Assign the role to any user by inviting through email.
Go to “Settings”>”Users”>”Add”. Then invite a user by typing the email address and selecting the role. The invited user will get an confirmation email & all the permissions are given in the role.
Payment methods
1. We are providing “Stripe” payment gateway in the system. If you want to receive the booking bill through “Stripe”, then you can enable this method.
Go to “Settings”>”Payment Methods”>”Edit” option of Stripe.
Change “Status” to “Enable” and “Available to client” to “Yes”. Provide “Publishable key” and “Secret key” of your stripe account then save the changes.
2. We are providing “PayPal” payment gateway in the system. If you want to receive the booking bill through “PayPal”, then you can enable this method by following steps.
Log in your PayPal account and click on the My Apps & Credentials menu, then click Create App button

Fill up your app name and choose desire business account, then click Create App button. Collect your Client Id and Secret. Go to “Settings”>”Payment Methods”>”Edit” option of PayPal in booking.Change “Status” to “Enable” and “Available to client” to “Yes”. Provide “Client Id” and “Secret key” of your PayPal account and choose your account mode then save the changes.
3. To add a new payment method, go to “Settings”>”Payment Methods”>”Add”. Provide the “Title”, Change “Status” to “Enable” and “Available to client” to “Yes”. Functionalities are same as Stripe.
If the new method is not available to client but still enabled, you can use this method to change the payment status of individual booking through your admin panel.
Add a new payment method
Google calendar
We are providing “Google Calendar” API integration in the system. If you want to show your bookings in Google Calendar, then you can enable this calendar by following the steps:
- Go to “My Profile” from the dropdown menu in user dashboard
- Select “Google Calendar” tab
- Copy the Redirect URL
- Go to Google Developers Console
- Create a new project form top left menubar
After getting new project page give a project name and click “Create” button.
1. Some demo services are given to the system. You can deactivate these services.
Go to “Services”>”Setting” option of service. Change “Active” to “No”.
2. You can add or edit services.(Services can be added in two types, Hourly service and Daily service.)
To add, go to “Services”>”Add”. Fill the fields up. Save the changes.
To edit, go to “Services”>”Edit” option of the service. Make changes. Save the changes.
1. You can also book a service for your clients.
Go to “Bookings”>”Add”. Then select a service and date, follow all the procedures to book the service.
2. You can confirm or cancel the pending bookings.
Go to “Bookings”. You can see bookings that already being submitted. To confirm these bookings, hover over the action column, select the “Confirm” button. To cancel any specific booking, select the “Cancel”.
3. To see the booking details. Select the link of “Booking ID”.
1. You can see the report of the bookings on individual service on an specific date.
Go to “Reports”, select desired “Service”, then choose a “Date”.
1. You can check clients to see all the clients listed.
2. You can search any client by their name, email or phone number
You can see dashboard to check all booking status based on below categories:.
1. Total bookings and Confirmed bookings for next 30 days.
2. Today’s total and pending bookings
3. Booking overview through out the year in the graph
4. Booking Status in percentage based on confirmed booking and pending booking in the graph
5. This months, Last months and Till now total bookings
Add new language
- Go to “resources/lang” directory of the project.
- Add a new directory named on your new language.
- Copy all the files from “resources/lang/english” directory.
- Change “resources/lang/your-new-language-name/default.php” file. Just make the changes to the right sided text in your language. Suppose, you are adding a new language “Portuguese” in this app. So add a new directory named “portuguese” in “resources/lang”. Copy all files from “resources/lang/english” directory to “resources/lang/portuguese”. Then change the “default.php” file in this directory. There can be translations from English (such as, “add”=>”Add”). You should change this to portuguese (such as, “add” => “Adicionar”).
Update language
- Go to “Settings”>”Application Settings”.
- Select your preferred language from “Language Settings” section. Save the changes.
- If you would like to change any language, please copy the text from default.php to custom.php.
- Please note, we may replace all other files except the custom.php in future updates.
- After changing any text, please remember to clear cache from the Settings>Application settings by long as admin.
Password: 123456
I hope this Complete Online Salon Booking System using PHP MySQL will help you with what you are looking for and hope that you will learn something with this project that is useful for your future projects.
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If is NOT FREE definitely should not have the word FREE at all in the post.
Please help: email is wrong
email not sending something_wrong_with_your_email_settings
good project
add ‘partners’ with commission/subscription options
sir where is your purchase code
الحمدلله على كل حال
Can not install, need Purchase Code to start. How much for this code?
Can you add:
1. sms and web notification when booking, remind and Thanks customers after fished using services. send to owner, staff and customer. and happy birthday to customer via sms and web notification.
2. create staff to work for some select services not all services.
3. promotion like go-checkin it very good to have.
Best Regards