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Project: Complete Computer Laboratory Management System Project in PHP and MySQL with Source Code
A Computer Laboratory Management System is a software solution designed to streamline the administration and monitoring of computer labs. Implemented using PHP & MySQL, it provides an efficient way to manage user activities, hardware and software resources, and the overall functionality of computer laboratories in educational institutions, training centers, or offices.
This PHP & MySQL-based project ensures that computer labs operate smoothly, allowing administrators to control and optimize resource usage, generate reports, and enhance user experiences through a user-friendly interface.
About Computer Laboratory Management System in PHP MySQL Project Free Download
This project, named Computer ICT Laboratory Management System, is developed using PHP and MySQL. It helps in tracking and managing the inventory of laboratory items by recording the entry and exit of equipment. The system features an automated way of counting available items, allows members to reserve equipment, and lets admins approve these reservations. Items can also be marked as borrowed, damaged, or lost to update their availability status.
Key Features of the Computer Laboratory Management System
The Computer Laboratory Management System built using PHP & MySQL includes several robust features to simplify lab management tasks. Some of the core functionalities are:
- User Registration and Login Management: Easily register new users and manage their access privileges.
- Lab Reservation System: Schedule and manage reservations for lab equipment and workstations.
- System Monitoring and Alerts: Track computer usage and receive real-time alerts on unauthorized access or unusual activity.
- Inventory Management: Maintain an inventory of all hardware and software resources.
- Report Generation: Create detailed reports on lab usage, performance metrics, and equipment maintenance.
Other Features of Computer Laboratory Management System
Admin Panel
- Transactions Management
- Reservation
- Borrowed Items
- Returned Items
- Item
- Borrower
- Inventory
- Graph
- History
- Reservation
Why Use PHP & MySQL for ComLab Management Systems?
PHP and MySQL are popular technologies for building web-based applications due to their versatility, ease of use, and strong support communities. Here’s why they are ideal for developing a computer laboratory management system:
- Dynamic Data Handling: PHP, paired with MySQL, allows dynamic handling of data, making it easier to store, retrieve, and manipulate user information.
- Scalability: This combination supports scaling from a small lab setup to a larger institution without compromising performance.
- Open-Source: Both PHP and MySQL are open-source technologies, meaning there are no licensing costs involved, making the system more affordable for institutions.
- Security Features: With proper implementation, PHP and MySQL offer robust security features like SQL injection prevention, data encryption, and session management.
Computer Laboratory Management System Project
- Name of Project: Computer Laboratory Management System Project
- Language: PHP
- Databases used: MySQL
- Design used: HTML JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap
- Browser used: IE8, Google Chrome, Opera Mozilla
- Software used: WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP
Advantages of Implementing a Computer Laboratory Management System
Implementing a Computer Laboratory Management System using PHP & MySQL offers numerous advantages for both lab administrators and users:
- Streamlined Management: Automates routine tasks such as user management, system monitoring, and resource allocation.
- Enhanced Security: Protects sensitive user data and restricts access to critical systems based on predefined user roles.
- Improved Resource Utilization: Optimizes the usage of lab equipment and software, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
- Data-Driven Decisions: Provides analytical insights through detailed reports, enabling data-driven decision-making for lab upgrades and improvements.
- User-Friendly Interface: Offers an intuitive, web-based interface that simplifies interaction and reduces the learning curve for new users.

How to Set Up the Computer Laboratory Management System Using PHP & MySQL
Setting up the Computer Laboratory Management System in PHP and MySQL involves several steps, including environment setup, database configuration, and system deployment. Follow these steps to get started:
- Install XAMPP or WAMP Server: This local server environment is required to run PHP and MySQL locally on your machine.
- Create the MySQL Database: Set up a new database named lab_management in PHPMyAdmin, and import the provided SQL file to establish the database structure.
- Configure PHP Files: Edit the PHP configuration files to connect with your MySQL database, ensuring you use the correct database name, username, and password.
- Deploy the System: Place the project files in the htdocs folder (for XAMPP) or www folder (for WAMP) and access the system through your web browser by navigating to http://localhost/lab_management/.
Computer Laboratory Management System Flowchart
The flowchart starts with a unified Login node, ensuring that both Users and Admins begin by logging into the system:

Computer Laboratory Management System Flowchart
- Login:
- The initial step is the Login process. Based on the user type (User or Admin), the flow branches out to different dashboards:
- User: If the logged-in individual is identified as a User, they are directed to the User Dashboard.
- Admin: If the logged-in individual is an Admin, they are directed to the Admin Dashboard.
- The initial step is the Login process. Based on the user type (User or Admin), the flow branches out to different dashboards:
- User Actions:
- Once on the User Dashboard, users can proceed to Browse Lab Resources, where they view available computers and their schedules.
- If a computer is available, the user can move on to Reserve Computer, specifying the time and other relevant details.
- After choosing a computer, the user can Submit Reservation Request, which sends the request to the admin for approval.
- Admin Actions:
- Admins start at the Admin Dashboard after logging in, where they can View User Activities to monitor system usage and recent reservations.
- They then go to Manage Reservations to approve or reject submitted reservation requests.
- Admins can also Update Lab Inventory as needed, making changes to the list of available computers and resources.
- Lastly, they can Generate Reports to get insights on lab usage and system performance.
- Connection Between User and Admin:
- When a user submits a reservation request, it is routed to the admin through the Submit Reservation Request node.
- The admin then manages this reservation, and the outcome (approval or rejection) is sent back to the user through the Notify User node, completing the loop of communication and interaction between the two roles.
Computer Laboratory Management System ER Diagram
The ER (Entity-Relationship) Diagram visually represents the structure and relationships between the entities involved in the Computer Laboratory Management System. The primary entities in this diagram are USER, ADMIN, RESERVATION, COMPUTER, and REPORT. Each entity has attributes that define its properties and unique identifiers (e.g., user_id for USER and admin_id for ADMIN).

Computer Laboratory Management System ER Diagram
- Entities and Their Relationships:
- The USER entity represents the students or staff members using the system to make reservations. It is linked to the RESERVATION entity through a one-to-many relationship (USER ||–o{ RESERVATION), meaning a user can create multiple reservations.
- The ADMIN entity is responsible for managing reservations and generating reports. It also has a one-to-many relationship with the RESERVATION entity (ADMIN ||–o{ RESERVATION), indicating that a single admin can manage multiple reservations.
- The RESERVATION entity connects USER and ADMIN by storing the user_id and admin_id to reflect which user made the reservation and which admin managed it. It also has a relationship with the COMPUTER entity (RESERVATION }o–||
), showing that each reservation is associated with a specific computer. - The ADMIN entity has a one-to-many relationship with the REPORT entity (ADMIN ||–o{ REPORT), representing that a single admin can generate multiple reports on lab usage and performance.
How To Run
Above all, to run this project you must have installed a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC. Computer Laboratory Management System in PHP and MySQL with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!
Follow the following steps after Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP:
1st Step: Firstly, Extract the file
2nd Step: After that, Copy the main project folder
3rd Step: So, you need to Paste in xampp/htdocs/
Further, Now Connecting Database
4th Step: So, for now, Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
5th Step: After that, Click on the databases tab
6th Step: So, Create a database naming “lms19” and then click on the import tab
7th Step: Certainly, Click on browse file and select “lms19” file which is inside the “db” folder
8th Step: Meanwhile, click on Go button.
After Creating Database,
9th Step: Open a web browser and browse the project. E.g [http://localhost/LabManagement]
Admin Login Access Information
Username: admin
Password: admin123
System Demonstration
Customizing the Computer Laboratory Management System
One of the standout features of this project is its flexibility for customization. By modifying the PHP scripts and adjusting the MySQL database structure, users can tailor the system to meet specific requirements such as:
- Adding New User Roles: Introduce additional roles like lab assistants or technical support staff with unique permissions.
- Implementing Advanced Monitoring Features: Integrate third-party monitoring tools to gain deeper insights into system performance and user activity.
- Expanding the Reporting Module: Customize the reporting module to include graphical representations of data and export options in various formats like PDF or Excel.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the system requirements for running the Computer Laboratory Management System?
The system requires a server environment like XAMPP or WAMP, a MySQL database, and a web browser. It’s recommended to have at least 2 GB of RAM for smooth performance.
Can this system be deployed online?
Yes, after local testing, the system can be hosted on an online server. Ensure that the PHP and MySQL versions are compatible with the online hosting environment.
Is the source code for this project customizable?
Absolutely! The PHP source code is fully customizable. Users can modify the code to add new features, integrate third-party APIs, or redesign the interface.
What security measures are implemented in this system?
The system uses session management, input validation, and SQL injection prevention techniques to ensure data security. Additional security layers can be added based on specific requirements.
How can I contribute to this project?
You can contribute by reporting bugs, suggesting new features, or collaborating on GitHub (if the project is hosted there). Sharing feedback and suggestions can help improve the system.
What if I encounter issues during installation?
Check the PHP error logs and MySQL configuration settings. If the issue persists, refer to the documentation provided or seek help from online PHP & MySQL communities.
I hope this Computer Laboratory Management System using PHP MySQL will help you with what you are looking for and hope that you will learn something with this project that is useful for your future projects.
By using this Computer Laboratory Management System in PHP and MySQL, you can efficiently manage your computer lab and optimize resources with minimal effort. Feel free to explore and expand this project based on your institutional needs.
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Special Support for Students. Complete Setup/Installation. Just for 8$ Only. Please contact:
Tahir Mubeen
Senior Software Engineer
RM IT Solutions
Thank you for this free source code CampCodes. I hope you can help me in editing the logo and name of school too.
Yes, you can totally edit that.
the username and password is incorrect can you give the user and pass
You can view it in the users table in the MySQL database.
documentation for this project please
please send documentation this projecr
Will make one.
How to edit the logo and name of the school in the print button?
how do I get your code? Can I get it? Thank you
hi, why i cannot add new item? pls help me
Hello sir, where I can edit the department dropdown
do you get the solution?
hi admin, how do i change the design, example like table width, color table on login form. please reply me ASAP
username and password not working 🙂
DataTables warning: table id=DataTables_Table_4 – Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see
The problem is your xampp configuration.
when working in left-hand-side “Inventory” tab…
“DataTables warning: table id=DataTables_Table_4 – Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see“
I edit your username and password in the database. But it not works. Please fix this.