Creating a Simple Basketball Photo Gallery System in PHP MySQL
Description. This Simple Basketball Photo Gallery System was developed using PHP/MySQL, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap. In terms of the project, it has a user section where users may easily publish images. This project simply has a few functions, all of which are connected to a photo gallery. All of the primary tasks in this project must be completed by the user. The theme used here is about basketball, which is the user’s favorite.
About the System. In terms of the Simple Photo Gallery’s features, adding photos is simple for the user. The user will need to browse their image folder and choose the appropriate captions to accomplish this. A responsive grid-style presentation is used for all the images. The viewer has the option to click on a specific image file to examine it in high resolution and read the caption.
This project’s design is rather straightforward to ensure that the user has no trouble using it. The user can easily post photographs using this Simple Photo Gallery in PHP. You must have installed XAMPP, a virtual server, on your PC in order to use this project (for Windows).
How to Run
To run this system you must have downloaded and installed a local web server such as the XAMPP on your PC or laptop.
- Open your XAMPP’s Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL.
- Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
- Copy the main project folder
- Paste in XAMPP/htdocs
Creating and Connecting a Database
5. Open a browser and go to url http://localhost/phpmyadmin
6. Create a new database named basketballphoto_db
7. Click on the Import tab
8. Click on browse file and click Choose File button select “basketballphoto_db” sql file which is inside “DATABASE” folder of xampp/htdocs/Basketball_Photo_Gallery/My Favorites
9. Click Import button
Running the System
10. Open a browser and run the script in http://localhost/Basketball_Photo_Gallery/My Favorites