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Project: Driving School Management System in PHP and MySQL with Source Code
In today’s fast-paced world, driving schools require more than just skilled instructors and well-maintained vehicles to ensure smooth operations. The demand for efficient management and coordination of various activities, such as student registrations, class schedules, and financial tracking, has led to the development of specialized software systems. One such solution is the Driving School Management System in PHP, which offers a robust platform to streamline these processes and enhance overall productivity.
Whether you’re a driving school administrator looking to optimize daily operations or a developer keen on creating a comprehensive management system, this article provides a detailed exploration of the Driving School Management System in PHP, its features, and its implementation.
Introduction to Driving School Management Systems
What is a Driving School Management System?
A Driving School Management System is a software solution designed to automate and manage the core functions of a driving school. These systems help manage student data, track progress, schedule classes, and streamline communication between instructors, students, and administrative staff. By implementing such systems, driving schools can focus on delivering quality instruction rather than being bogged down by administrative hassles.
The Need for Efficient Management Solutions in Driving Schools
Managing a driving school involves juggling multiple responsibilities. From ensuring that students receive timely instructions to managing instructors’ schedules and keeping track of financial transactions, the tasks are numerous and require meticulous attention. An efficient management solution like a PHP-based system can centralize these functions, thereby reducing manual effort and minimizing errors.
About Driving School Management System in PHP MySQL Project Free Download
Complete Driving School Management System in PHP MySQL Free Download manages practically all of the duties that driving schools perform on a regular basis. Physical books are still used by the majority of driving schools across the world to plan classes and retain data. This method is antiquated, unreliable, difficult to access, and occasionally inaccurate.
This Driving School Management System with Source Code was created specifically to address that issue. This is a comprehensive driving school management system that handles practically all of the responsibilities that driving schools face on a regular basis.
Driving School Management System Features
These are the following features of Driving School Management System in PHP:
- Scheduling: Class scheduling is an important part of every driving school. Driving School Management System allows schools to create class schedules and monitor them. This features helps prevents double booking of time slots and has a beautiful calendar to display all classes. Also an SMS is sent to students when they are booked in for a class.
- Student Management: Keep all your student records in a way that you can access them from anywhere. You can search through them easily and be able to check all the details of a specific student.
- Notes and attachments: You can create and upload notes on a profile of a students, staff or instructor.
- Instructors: Instructors of courses will also have accounts where they can login and check their schedule.
- Branches: Most driving schools have branches and that is covered on this. Create as many branches of your driving school as you want and manage them easily.
- Stats dashboard: Driving school management system comes with a stunning dashboard that shows you the important statistics of your school.
- Invoice Management: When a student account is created and they sign up for a course. An invoice is created and sent to them. You can keep track of all your invoices and see pending balances. You can download, edit and add payments to invoices as well
- Payments: Keep a record of all the payments you receive for future reference as well as update the invoice automatically.
- Reminders: Send reminder of late payments and also reminders of upcoming classes to students
- Fleets: Keep a record of all your fleet for easy assignment as well as check it’s schedule.
- Notifications. This saves and shows notifications of important activities of your driving school.
- Communications: This features allows driving schools to send SMS or Email to their students, staff, instructors or all users on the system by a click of a button. The history of the messages is kept for future reference.
- Courses: here you keep a list of your courses with it’s details like price, number of classes, instructors etc. This list is used when signing up new students to you driving school.
- Staff: The staff module allows driving schools to create accounts for their employees where they can manage daily operations of the school
- Multi user: You can build a saas software with Driving School Management System since it supports multiple school accounts.
- Beautiful and responsive UI: This was made with love and passion that’s why it looks stunning.
- Fast processing speed: This is faster with clean code written on PHP with MVC model.
Server Requirements
These are the following server requirements of Online Driving School Management System:
- PHP >= 5.6.0
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- PHP Simple Router –
- Full Calendar –
- Sweetalert –
- Toastr –
- Parsley –
- Croppie Js –
Driving School Management System Installation
These are the steps on how to install Driving School Management System:
- If you are installing this project inside a folder for i.e or localhost/dsms . Open the routes files in /src/routes.php
- Open routes.php files located inside the src folder and you will see a commented out line of code that looks like the one below
- // Router::group([‘prefix’ => ‘/foldername’], function() {
and the line below at the end of the file - // });
- Uncomment the two lines above by removing the two forward slash before them. //
- Rename the foldername to the name of your folder for example myapp, and you will have something like.
Router::group(['prefix' => '/myapp'], function() { ... });
When you unzipped the file in step 1, there is a folder called database you will find. In there you will find an SQL file, that is the system database. Import it to your PhPMyAdmin or whatever system you use.
- On the folder you pasted on your installation folder, you will find a file called .env . This is a very important file that stores system variables. Open the file in a text editor and edit the following lines. The other lines can be edited via the system settings page so don’t worry about them.
How to Implement the Driving School Management System in PHP
Implementing a Driving School Management System in PHP requires technical knowledge and careful planning. Follow these steps to get started:
Installation Requirements
Before installation, ensure that your server meets the following requirements:
- PHP Version 7.2 or higher
- MySQL Database
- Apache Server
- Compatible Web Browser
Step-by-Step Installation Guide
- Download the Software Package: Obtain the PHP-based system from a reliable source.
- Unzip the Files: Extract the downloaded files to a designated folder on your server.
- Create a Database: Set up a new MySQL database and note down the credentials.
- Edit Configuration Files: Update the configuration files with the database credentials.
- Run the Installation Script: Access the installation script via a web browser and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.
Email SMTP settings
SMTP settings on the settings page are your email settings, this system depends on them to send important system emails, without them your emails wont work. So please don’t forget to update them. Now you are all set!
Cron job settings
You need to set a cron job that will be running daily to check for late payments and update missed classes. This is necessary is you have turned payment or class reminders ON. Below is a sample cron job code.
0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/YOURUSERNAME/public_html/cron.php;
HTML & Code Structure
This system is a fixed layout with two columns. All of the information within the main content area is nested within a div with a class of “content”. The sidebar’s (column #2) content is within a div with a class “left-bar”. The general HTML structure is the same throughout the system.
The system is built on a simple PHP Framework all view files are under views folder and included files such as sidebar, header, footer & email templates files are under views/includes folder, controllers and function files are in the src folder. All uploads go to the uploads folder.
CSS Files and Structure
Driving School Management System uses two CSS files in this system. The first one is a bootstrap. Many browser interpret the default behavior of html elements differently. By using a bootstrap CSS file, we can work round this. This file also contains many styling of most elements and layouts, such as anchor tag colors, font-sizes, buttons, typography, etc. Keep in mind, that some of these values are overridden in the second file.
The second file contains all of the specific stylings for this project. The file is separated into sections.The first sections is for styling larger screens and the second section is for smaller devices for responsivenes
This theme imports four main Javascript files.
- jQuery
- app.js
- schedule.js
- fullcalendar.min.js
- jQuery is a Javascript library that greatly reduces the amount of code that you must write.
- app.js is a javascript file that contains most of the landa system functionality. Some of the functions include Adding reminders, opening and closing of the menu, lanching modals etc. This file is also global and when eddited it’s changes will be seen throughout the system
- schedule.js is the file that creates schedules and fetches them as well, this file relies heavily on the fourth file fullcalendar.min.js which is an open source calendar plugin
- fullcalendar.min.js is an open source Javascript library that is used to create and modify calendars easily. It’s also used for events /scheduling among other features.
PHP code
Driving School Management System uses PHP exclusively for server side coding, all view files are under views folder and included files such as sidebar, header, footer & email templates files are under views/includes folder, controllers and function files are in the src folder. There are two major files to take note of;
- Routes – /src/routes.php
- Landa – /src/landa.php
If you’d like to change the routes, open “/src/routes.php”, make the necessary adjustments, and then save the file. This file holds all the paths of the system so be careful when editting it.
/src/landa.php contains functions that are repeated on the system, so it is put on this class in order to re-use it inside the controllers.
Online Driving School Management System Flowchart
The simplified flowchart provides a high-level overview of the Driving School Management System, outlining how different user roles (Admin, Instructor, and Student) interact with the system.

Online Driving School Management System Project Flowchart
- Start and User Role Identification:
- The flow starts with a user accessing the system and choosing to Login or Register.
- Once logged in, the system identifies the user’s role as either an Admin, Instructor, or Student.
- Admin Dashboard:
- Admins have access to a comprehensive dashboard to manage the core operations of the driving school:
- Manage Students: Admins can add, edit, or delete student information.
- Manage Instructors: Admins can assign classes and manage instructor profiles.
- Manage Vehicles: Admins track vehicle availability and maintenance.
- Schedule Classes: Admins set up class schedules and assign resources.
- Manage Payments: Admins monitor and handle student payments and fees.
- Admins have access to a comprehensive dashboard to manage the core operations of the driving school:
- Instructor Dashboard:
- Instructors have a streamlined dashboard to:
- View Classes: See assigned classes and student details.
- Mark Attendance: Track student attendance during sessions.
- Instructors have a streamlined dashboard to:
- Student Dashboard:
- Students can access their dashboard to:
- View Classes: Check scheduled classes and timings.
- Register for Classes: Enroll in new or additional courses.
- View Progress: Monitor learning progress and performance.
- Make Payments: Complete fee payments and view payment history.
- Students can access their dashboard to:
- End:
- The flowchart concludes with an end node, indicating that users have completed their interactions or tasks within the system.
Online Driving School Management System ER Diagram
The simplified ER Diagram illustrates the main entities in the Driving School Management System and how they are connected:

Online Driving School Management System ER Diagram
- STUDENT: Contains basic information about students, such as ID, name, and email. Each student can attend multiple classes and make payments.
- INSTRUCTOR: Captures instructor details like ID, name, and email. Instructors teach various classes and are linked to the classes they handle.
- VEHICLE: Holds information about vehicles used in driving lessons, such as ID, model, and status (e.g., available or in maintenance).
- CLASS: Represents each driving class/session. It includes attributes like class ID, type (e.g., beginner, advanced), date, and the instructor and vehicle assigned to the class.
- PAYMENT: Records payments made by students, with information such as payment ID, student ID, amount, and payment date.
- STUDENT to CLASS: A student can attend multiple classes, and each class can have multiple students (many-to-many relationship).
- INSTRUCTOR to CLASS: An instructor teaches one or more classes (one-to-many relationship).
- VEHICLE to CLASS: A vehicle can be assigned to multiple classes, but each class uses only one vehicle at a time (one-to-many relationship).
- STUDENT to PAYMENT: Each student can make multiple payments, and each payment is linked to a specific student (one-to-many relationship).
Complete Online Driving School Management System Project
- Name of Project: Online Driving School Management System Project
- Language: PHP
- Databases used: MySQL
- Design used: HTML JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap
- Browser used: IE8, Google Chrome, Opera Mozilla
- Software used: WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP

driving school management system free download

driving school management system project in php

driving school management system project
Login Details as below :
Password: passqw
FAQs about Driving School Management Systems
What is a Driving School Management System?
A Driving School Management System is a software platform designed to automate and streamline the management of various activities in a driving school, such as student registrations, class scheduling, and financial tracking.
How Can a Driving School Management System Help My Business?
By automating routine administrative tasks, the system helps reduce manual effort, minimize errors, and provide real-time updates on operations, ultimately leading to improved efficiency and better service delivery.
What Are the Key Features of a PHP-Based System?
Key features of a PHP-based driving school management system include student and instructor management, class scheduling, vehicle tracking, payment processing, and comprehensive reporting capabilities.
How to Secure a Driving School Management System?
Ensure security by implementing encryption for sensitive data, setting up role-based access controls, and regularly updating the software to patch any vulnerabilities.
Can the System Be Customized?
Yes, the PHP-based system is highly customizable. You can modify the user interface, add new modules, and integrate it with external tools to suit your unique business requirements.
What Are the Benefits of Using PHP for Driving School Management?
PHP offers flexibility, ease of integration with various databases, cost-efficiency due to its open-source nature, and extensive community support for troubleshooting and development.
Implementing a Driving School Management System in PHP can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of a driving school’s operations. By automating administrative tasks, streamlining communication, and providing real-time insights through comprehensive reporting, the system allows driving schools to focus on delivering quality education and driving instruction.
The PHP-based solution offers a powerful platform that can be customized to meet the unique needs of any driving school, ensuring that both staff and students have a smooth and productive experience. With the right configuration, integration, and maintenance practices, a Driving School Management System in PHP is a valuable asset that can help drive the growth and success of a driving school.
I hope this Driving School Management System in PHP MySQL will help you with what you are looking for and hope that you will learn something with this project that is useful for your future projects.
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can you send me the original code on simpleRouter.php and router.php. I am getting an error
I used Xampp 8.2.4 and website cannot load and display error below:
Fatal error: Uncaught Dotenv\Exception\InvalidPathException: Unable to read the environment file at /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/src/../.env. in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Loader.php:105 Stack trace: #0 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Loader.php(82): Dotenv\Loader->ensureFileIsReadable() #1 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Dotenv.php(106): Dotenv\Loader->load() #2 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Dotenv.php(50): Dotenv\Dotenv->loadData() #3 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/src/Application.php(41): Dotenv\Dotenv->load() #4 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/src/Application.php(20): Simcify\Application->_loadEnv() #5 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/index.php(10): Simcify\Application->__construct() #6 {main} thrown in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Loader.php on line 105
Students cant finish making payments becouse of the invoice problem
someone help please
1. After adding a user he is given a password by the system how can he access the site since he don’t know the password.
2. The part of the invoice is not functioning
someone to help please
Did your code run?
because i am getting an error on simplerouter.php
hello i already made the intalation but i need to make the login unfortunatly it is not making i can click but no reaction
Newbie here, how do I resolve this?
Deprecated: auto_detect_line_endings is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\vendor\vlucas\phpdotenv\src\Loader.php on line 162
Deprecated: Optional parameter $settings declared before required parameter $callback is implicitly treated as a required parameter in C:\xampp\htdocs\vendor\pecee\simple-router\src\Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter.php on line 182
Deprecated: strtolower(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\vendor\pecee\simple-router\src\Pecee\SimpleRouter\Route\LoadableRoute.php on line 160
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\vendor\pecee\simple-router\src\Pecee\SimpleRouter\Route\LoadableRoute.php:160) in C:\xampp\htdocs\vendor\pecee\simple-router\src\Pecee\Http\Response.php on line 112
am getting the same error kindly help
Thanks for the source code but the CRUD doesn’t work. Can you help me to solve the problem
Hey there,
Problem, when I open the URL it goes to and I get’s error page ‘Not Found’ (the requested URL was not found on this server)
Can anyone help me please?
There is a file missing in it it shows an error in
Warning : require (c:\xampp\htdocs\vendor\composer/–ralouphie/getallheaders/sec/getaallheaders.php failed to open stream: no such file in directory in c:\xampp\htdocs\vendor\compoer\autoload_real.php on line 66
What xampp version are you using?
Im using xampp
Xampp 8.1
kindly upload new link. unable to download
I get the same error I don’t know how I can solve it please help