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Project: Complete Income and Expense Tracker System using PHP and MySQL with Source Code
About Complete Income and Expense Tracker System using PHP MySQL Project Free Download
Complete Income and Expense Tracker System Free Download is a tool that helps business and individuals manage their income and expenses. Complete Income and Expense Tracker System Free Download allows users to create budget and goals for their finances which are grouped into categories.
Complete Income and Expense Tracker System Free Download has an intuitive interface with great visualization to help you understand your finances easily.
Features of Complete Income and Expense Tracker System
- Incomes: Income module allows users to keep track of their incomes. Incomes can be sorted in groups. We also capture the account which the income went to for easy accounting.
- Expenses: Expenses module allows users to keep track of their expenses by recording each and every expense. The expenses are grouped into categories and also keep track of which account the expense was paid from and calculate the balance.
- Budget: budgeting module is one of a kind. This feature allows users to set a limit or expected monthly spending, expected monthly earning and expected monthly saving. After that user can then distribute the planned spending amount to different categories. It’s pretty cool
- Accounts: accounts keeps track of your balances in cash,card, bank or e-wallet. We do this by letting you create an account and enter the available balance. After that, any transactions done with that account will be calculated in order to keep your account balance up to date.
- Overview: This is the summary of all your transactions,income, expenses and budgets at a glance. You can use our filtering feature to check your summary from any date in the past.
- Settings: This module allows you to manage your profile and system settings easily with no coding skills needed.
- Multi user: You can build a SaaS software with Hellaplus since it optionally supports multiple user accounts.
- Beautiful and responsive UI: was made with love and passion that’s why it looks stunning.
- Fast processing speed: is faster with clean code written on PHP with MVC model.
- Translation file support: You can create additional language files to provide the script in a different language.
If you are installing Hellaplus inside a folder for example or localhost/hellaplus you will need to make a tweak as explained on the Installing Hellaplus in a folder article or checkout the second video below.
1) Copy Files
If you are installing Hellaplus inside a folder for i.e or localhost/hellaplus . Open the routes files in /src/routes.php and check the procedure on the video below or check out this one step then come back.
2) Import Database
When you unzipped the file in step 1, there is a folder called database you will find. In there you will find an SQL file, that is the system database. Import it to your PhPMyAdmin or whatever system you use.
3) .htaccess file
This is a very important file that you will find in the Hellaplus main folder, this file creates the SEO friendly URLs. if you can see it, change your directory setting to show (. files) and if you still can see it you can copy again from your unzipped downloads folder.
4) Create & Edit .env file
In the folder you pasted on your installation folder you will find a file called .env.
If one is not found, rename the .env_example file to .env.
The .env file is a very important file that stores system variables. Open the file in a text editor and edit the following lines. The other lines can be edited via the system settings page so don’t worry about them.
APP_URL= DB_HOST=localhost DB_USERNAME=username DB_PASSWORD=password DB_DATABASE=database_name
5) Email SMTP settings
SMTP settings on the settings page are your email settings, this system depends on them to send important system emails, without them your emails wont work. So please don’t forget to update them. Now you are all set! Have fun
Server requirements
- PHP >= 7.4
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- ZIP PHP Extension
- BCMath PHP Extension
Complete Income and Expense Tracker System Project
- Name of Project: Complete Income and Expense Tracker System Project
- Language: PHP
- Databases used: MySQL
- Design used: HTML JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap
- Browser used: IE8, Google Chrome, Opera Mozilla
- Software used: WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP
Admin Login Credentials:
P: passqw
or You can create any accounts for Admin role.
I hope this Complete Income and Expense Tracker System using PHP MySQL will help you with what you are looking for and hope that you will learn something with this project that is useful for your future projects.
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failed to login says incorrect password though i even created my custom login credentials
Welcome mail not show bottom link how to set this
Reset password not show bottom link how to set this
Hello There,
Please let me know. How to change the default currency and time zone on the sign-up page (for new users).
how did u resolve the internal server error?
internal server error
Can’t log in to demo account. It says internal server error. How to fix?
Hey guys. I need some help, I want to put the files inside a folder in the htdocs folder insted of putting them in the htdocs folder
While updating the app_url in the env file, update till the folder name;
Like http://localhsot/folder_name/
If already you found the solution, pls ignore it.
it don’t work
it dont work
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Hello Bro,
Can you help me to add another currecy in the system. I would like to add Sri Lankan Rupees. But I can’t fine the way. I was trying to change the existing currency symbol. But I can’t do. Please help me
Can’t log in to demo account as well as create new account. It says internal server error. How to fix?
send me the code file i will check and fix the problem
bro i also have same internal server erorr can u fix it bro
Try to use the demo account email and password but it says that internal server error. Any fix?
It shows internal error while entering Expense data. Income data is entering perfectly…
Please Help.
internal server error
internal server error
I want the project report PDF
Hey This is showing internal server error
check your database configuration in .env file
DB_HOST= Enter your host name or ip
DB_DATABASE= Enter your Database name
DB_USERNAME= enter your DB username
DB_PASSWORD= Enter your DB passwords
change your details
Run again
How to use this soft in wamp it’s showing error 500
internal server error localhost
plz slv this
Error 500? Si es así te puedo ayudar
check your database configuration in .env file
DB_HOST= Enter your host name or ip
DB_DATABASE= Enter your Database name
DB_USERNAME= enter your DB username
DB_PASSWORD= Enter your DB passwords
change your details
Run again
after changing these details also its not working