Insurance Management System in PHP and MySQL: Full Overview, Features, and Download

September 21, 2024
insurance management system

Project: Insurance Management System in PHP and MySQL with Source Code

About Insurance Management System

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses require efficient management systems to handle complex data and processes. The Insurance Management System built using PHP and MySQL is designed to automate and streamline insurance operations. It simplifies policy management, user tracking, claims processing, and ticketing systems, providing a centralized platform for Admins, Staff, and Users.

This system is ideal for small to medium-sized insurance companies, ensuring smooth workflow management, secure data handling, and real-time updates for both clients and administrators.

Key Features of the Insurance Management System

  1. Admin Dashboard
    • Admin users have complete control over system modules, such as managing users, creating insurance categories, and processing claims.
    • Admins can monitor the activities of staff and users, ensuring all operations are seamless and secure.
  2. Staff Management
    • Staff can manage assigned tickets, monitor policies, and assist users in resolving claim-related queries.
    • The system allows them to communicate with policyholders, update information, and process requests effectively.
  3. User Interface
    • Policyholders can register, apply for policies, track their application status, and submit claims or support tickets directly from the user dashboard.
    • This module provides real-time updates and notifications, keeping users informed about their insurance status.
  4. Policy Management
    • The system enables admins to create and manage different types of insurance policies.
    • Policies can be tailored to fit various insurance types, such as health, life, auto, or home insurance.
  5. Ticketing System
    • An integrated ticketing system allows users to submit requests or issues, which are then assigned to staff members for resolution.
    • This feature ensures customer support is quick and organized, allowing admins to track unresolved issues.
  6. Claims Management
    • Users can submit claims online, which are reviewed and processed by the staff.
    • The system tracks all claims, ensuring proper documentation, and updates both the staff and user on the status of the claim.

Insurance Management System Flowchart

Below is a flowchart of how the Insurance Management System functions, detailing each step from user login to policy and claims processing.

Insurance Management System Flowchart

Insurance Management System Flowchart

Flowchart Description

  1. User Login: The system identifies the role of the logged-in user (Admin, Staff, or User).
    • Admin Dashboard: Admins manage policies, users, and claims.
    • Staff Dashboard: Staff members handle tickets and claim processes assigned to them.
    • User Dashboard: Users can apply for insurance policies, track their applications, and raise support tickets.
  2. Admin: Admins have the ability to create new policies, monitor all claims, and manage users in the system.
  3. Staff: Staff users receive assigned tickets and claims, process them, and update their statuses.
  4. User: The user dashboard allows policyholders to apply for new policies, track claims, and raise tickets for support.

Insurance Management System ER Diagram

The following ER diagram demonstrates the structure of the Insurance Management System, mapping the relationships between entities such as Admin, Staff, Users, Policies, Claims, and Tickets.

Insurance Management System ER Diagram

Insurance Management System ER Diagram

ER Diagram Description

  1. Admin:
    • Creates and manages insurance policies, handles user roles, and oversees claims.
    • Each Admin has a unique admin_id, username, and password for secure access to the system.
  2. Staff:
    • Staff members are responsible for processing claims and resolving user support tickets.
    • Each Staff member is linked to the tickets they handle, identified by staff_id.
  3. User:
    • Users can apply for various insurance policies, submit claims, and raise support tickets.
    • Each user is identified by a user_id and associated with their policy applications and claim submissions.
  4. Policy:
    • Policies are created by Admins and applied for by Users. Each policy includes policy_name, policy_type (e.g., health, auto, life), and policy_amount.
  5. Claim:
    • Users can submit claims against the policies they hold. Claims are processed by Staff and overseen by Admins. Claims track the claim_status and claim_amount to ensure a smooth resolution process.
  6. Ticket:
    • The ticketing system connects Users with Staff for support or issue resolution. Tickets track the ticket_status and are assigned to a specific Staff member for handling.

Technical Specifications

  • Backend Language: PHP
  • Database: MySQL
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript
  • Supported Platforms: XAMPP, WAMP, LAMP (for local development)
  • Browser Compatibility: Works on major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

Snapshots of the Insurance Management System

Admin Dashboard

insurance management system

Insurance Policy

insurance management system insurance policy free download

Insurance Management System Installation


  • Download and Install any local web server such as XAMPP.
  • Download the provided source code zip file. (download button is located below)

System Installation/Setup

  1. Enable the GD Library in your php.ini file.
  2. Open your XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL.
  3. Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
  4. Copy the extracted source code folder and paste it into the XAMPP’s “htdocs” directory.
  5. Browse the PHPMyAdmin in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/phpmyadmin
  6. Create a new database named E-insurance.
  7. Import the provided SQL file. The file is known as Database.sql located inside the MySQL folder.
  8. Browse the system in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/e-insurance/

Default Admin Access

Password: 12345678

Demonstration Video

Watch the whole demo video:


The Insurance Management System built using PHP and MySQL provides a complete solution for managing insurance policies, claims, users, and support tickets. With dedicated dashboards for Admins, Staff, and Users, the system improves efficiency, reduces manual errors, and enhances customer satisfaction by offering real-time updates.

This system is perfect for small to medium-sized insurance businesses looking for a robust, easy-to-use platform to manage their operations.

Free Download Insurance Management System in PHP and MySQL

Download the project and installation guide:

Download Here

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    • What is the staff user name and password

      Praphakaran vakshan October 19, 2024 7:23 pm Reply
    • Default Admin Access – no working
      Password: 12345678

      Drwork September 22, 2024 10:09 am Reply
    • notworking

      Drwork September 22, 2024 10:08 am Reply

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