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Project: Online Banking Management System Project in PHP and MySQL with Source Code
About Online Banking Management System in PHP MySQL Project Free Download
Online Banking Management System in PHP MySQL with Source Code Free Download is a Laravel Framework-based online net banking PHP script. It was designed to be elegant, quick, and powerful. Account transfers, account statements, branches, auto deposit, and other basic banking capabilities are included with Online Banking Management System. It includes a one-click installer that allows us to set up our system in under 5 minutes without any technical skills.
Online Banking Management System Features
These are the following features of Online Banking Management System Project:
User Features
- Cross Browser Optimized Design.
- Latest News, FAQ, Contact.
- Easy Signup / Signin.
- Secure User Dashboard.
- Own bank Transfer.
- Others bank transfer.
- E-currency Methods.
- Complete Account Statement.
- Automated Deposit Method.
- Account Setting.
- Multiple Branches.
- And More….
Admin Features
- Secure Admin Dashboard.
- Branch Management.
- Other banks Management.
- Website Settings.
- General Settings.
- Charge Settings.
- Email Settings.
- SMS Settings.
- Facebook API Management
- Deposit Management.
- Latest News Management.
- Transaction Management.
- withdraw Management.
- User Management.
- Interface Control.
- Newsletter Management.
- Advertisement Management.
- Language Management.
- And More….
Script Comes With
- Excellent support with a fast response rate.
- Fix any bugs or broken content.
- Help get you setup and installed!
- Secure Database that uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!
- Protects against CSRF attacks!
- HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!
- Built using the latest Strong LARAVEL Framework.
- Passwords are encrypted By bcrypt encryption.
- You should need GMP Extension to run it.
Server Requirements
These are the following server requirements of Bank Management System:
- PHP >= 7.0.0
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- GMP Extension
- BCrypt Extension
Online Banking Management System Installation
These are the steps on how to install Online Banking Management System:
Step1: Upload to your host and unzip.
Step2: Create mySQL Database and Database User.
Step3: Open your browser and visit http://your-sitename/install.
Step4: Fill All Information there and click SETUP.
Step5: System is ready, you able to use now.
Step6: Login to admin panel http://your-sitename/admin with Username: admin & Password: admin to change Website.
Related Questions for Installation
Question 1: Do i need VPS OR Dedicated Server?
ANS: No you can run our product with shared server too.
Question 2: Which Hosting Provider will be best you think?
ANS: Any hosting provider who provide Cpanel Based Hosting.
Question 3: What is Cpanel?
ANS: Cpanel is a Control panel for server. You can Check More Here
Question 4: Don’t have Cpanel?
ANS: No worry, its working with any control panel but Cpanel is too easy to manage, for that we recommend Cpanel based hosting.
How to Setup Cron Job
You need to set cron job to generate user profit automatically.
Cron Command: wget http://YourDomain.Name/ipnblockbtc
Cron Command: wget http://YourDomain.Name/ipnblocklite
Cron Command: wget http://YourDomain.Name/ipnblockdog
Cron Time: Time Depends on your Plans, but Once per every 05-15 minute is good enough.
How To Edit Code?
Once You Install The Product on Your Server, You Will have Two Folder and Few Files.
On Folder “assets”, We keep all kind of asset like CSS, JS, Images. So if You Want To Edit Or Change Any Asset, Have a Look on This Folder.
On Folder “core”, We keep The Core of Laravel.
We Maintain Laravel Structure(MVC) on This Project.
“core/routes/web.php” All Routes (URL) in This Folder. You can find the ControllerName@FunctionName Here.
“core/app” All Models are in This Folder.
“core/app/Http” All Controller are in This Folder. You can Change anything you want if you need to change any functionality.
“core/resources/views” You Have All HTML Structure Here. You can Change anything you want if you need to change anything on HTML.
Template HTML Structure
The HTML template uses Latest Bootstrap v4 with valid HTML5 tags. This theme is a responsive layout with 12 column Support column. All of the information in content area is nested within a class and comes with predefined classes.
CSS Files and Structure
Mainly three main CSS files are used in this theme. The first one bootstrap.css, second one is style.css which for this template and third one is responsive.css to control responsive layouts.
Used Css File For Various Purpose :
bootstrap.min.css (in css Folder)
font-awesome.min.css (in css Folder)
jquery.circliful.css (in sass Folder)
font-awesome.min.css (in css Folder) slick.css (in css Folder)
swiper.min.css (in css Folder)
style.css (in css Folder)
Responsive.css (in css Folder)
If you would like to edit a specific section of the site, simply find the appropriate label in the CSS file, and then scroll down until you find the appropriate style that needs to be edited.
jQuery and JavaScript
- jQuery
- Bootstrap (bootstrap.min.js)
- gmap (gmaps.js)
- Highlight (highlight.min.js)
- Isotope(Isotope.pkgd.min.js)
- Jquery UI(jquery-ui-slider.min.js)
- Circliful(jquery.circliful.js)
- Counterup (jquery.counterup.min.js)
- Ripple (jquery.ripples-min.js)
- Slicknav(jquery.slicknav.min.js)
- Tubular(jquery.tubular.1.0.js)
- Lightcase (lightcase.js)
- Map Script (map-script.js)
- Particles (particles.min.js)
- Raindrops (Raindrops.js)
- Slick (slick.min.js)
- Swiper (swiper.min.js)
- All Plugin Activation File (main.js)
- jQuery is a Javascript library that greatly reduces the amount of code that you must write.
- Most of the animation in this site is carried out from the customs scripts. There are a few functions worth looking over.
In addition to the custom scripts, I have implemented few “tried and true” plugins to create the effects. This plugin is packed, so you won’t need to manually edit anything in the file. The only necessary thing to know is how to call the method.
Sources and Credits
Fonts Used int the template are google fonts, you can find them on Google Fonts API
Framework Used are :
Laravel 5.7
Fonts Used int the template are google fonts, you can find them on Google Fonts API
Fonts Used are :Montserrat
Every Code is properly commented for Editing Ease.
Icons Used are :
Fontawesome Icons
Complete Online Banking Management System Project
- Name of Project: Online Banking Management System Project
- Language: PHP
- Databases used: MySQL
- Design used: HTML JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap
- Browser used: IE8, Google Chrome, Opera Mozilla
- Software used: WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP
Login Details as below :
Admin Login: Username: admin || Password: admin
I hope this Online Banking Management System in PHP MySQL with Source Code will help you with what you are looking for and hope that you will learn something with this project that is useful for your future projects.
Related Projects: Bank Management System in PHP/MySQL
I can’t create a user and grant him the privileges since I want to test it via a subdomain, then come back to you to make a donation in case everything works.
I really need this app.
what to do?
What version of xamp did they use in this video?
hello i installed the application like it is on the video, but it didnt display successful, it just shows RESULT and nothing displayed under
same here too frank
hello good day,I wanted to know if i can use this script with my wordpress frontend thank you.
nothing else shows apart from the text above in the last page of the install process
I have the complete files, folders and SQL database, contact me here or WhatsApp me here +2348167013743
Hello, the website is very nice but i want to ammend some minor changes like changing the name and company logo, for my school assignment, but it cannot find the solution. I need some help please. Best regards.
Contact me , I can help you solve your problems !
I don’t think this project is working. I tried it on xamp and online server both are problems.
Not worth of project to relay
I can assist in modifying the whole script to suite your requirements, send me a message.
Kindly HELP, I KEEP ON GETTING ERROR 404 ON both login and registration.
Does it has COT, Tax …?
For installation and assistance hit me up on TG @Mikedeals
bonjour Admin
en voulant decompresser on me demande un mot de passe. s’il te plait quel est ce mot de passe???
je suis bloqué labas depuis…
$20 usdt for complete installation
Telegram @mikedeals
Hi Mr. MICHAEL how are doing hope every thing is fine with you .
can you install the same project for me I am enable to complete the process.
if you can
please feel free to contact me on my WhatsApp number + 91 9391861636
I can’t install
Register new user isn’t working brings error 500 every time I click register. Also I can’t seem to find how to edit the sms api to send messages and also email code
For installation and support, inbox on whatsapp
+1(806) 414 0168
Hi Mr. John how are doing hope every thing is fine with you .
can you install the same project for me i am enable to complete the process.
if you can
please feel free to contact me on my whatsapp number + 91 9391861636
For installation and support, inbox on whatsapp
+1(806) 414 0168
hello sir please may get your comment system php cod source please
Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in /home/alainwe2/domains/ on line 129
Thanks for the video and sharing, I deployed the code to a server but I got an error :Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
how to do it, thank you
Edit the .env file in your root folder.
I’ve edited the .env file everything is checked except this guys
core/bootstrap/cache/ Required permission: 0775
core/storage/ Required permission: 0775
core/storage/app/ Required permission: 0775
core/storage/framework/ Required permission: 0775
core/storage/logs/ Required permission: 0775
please what’s the problem. PS I’m hosting directly on my cpanel
Admin, I did everything and followed all the steps but couldn’t load the homepage.
doing things wrong. probably files and folders permission
i also cannot load the home page
there is an error in the bri deposit
After installing successfully I keep receiving error 500, whoops something went wrong on our servers
there is an error on the bank’s website, can the error be corrected?
How do I get my admin name and password
campcodes is the best. i come here everyday. please do real estate
Thank you. Will upload Real Estate today.
hi Admin , kindly assist. im unable to load the home page with error code
[Thu Sep 09 05:38:23.850988 2021] [php:error] [pid 3616:tid 1880] [client ::1:53283] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: Method ReflectionParameter::getClass() is deprecated in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\core\\vendor\\laravel\\framework\\src\\Illuminate\\Container\\Container.php:838\nStack trace:\n#0 C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\core\\vendor\\laravel\\framework\\src\\Illuminate\\Container\\Container.php(838): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\HandleExceptions->handleError(8192, ‘Method Reflecti…’, ‘C:\\\\xampp\\\\htdocs…’, 838)\n#1 C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\core\\vendor\\laravel\\framework\\src\\Illuminate\\Container\\Container.php(807): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->resolveDependencies(Array)\n#2
Please help me out, this is what I see when I try to load the site after creating the data base and installing the site.
Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in C:\xampp\htdocs\o\core\app\Http\Helpers\Helper.php on line 129
another thing, how do i change my balance from 0. e deposit isnt working
For installation and support
+1(806) 414 0168
how much is cost of complete installation
How much is cost installation
For help and assistance
+1(806) 414 0168