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Project: Online Examination System With Timer in PHP MySQL Free Source Code
In today’s digital age, educational institutions are leveraging technology to enhance the learning experience of students. One such innovation is the Online Examination System with Timer, a dynamic platform built using PHP and MySQL, designed to provide a seamless examination experience for both administrators and students alike.
About Online Examination System With Timer in PHP MySQL Free Source Code Download
This is an Online Examination System with Timer in PHP MySQL. This system helps a particular school to provides their students an online exam platform. The system has two types of users which are the Admin and the Students/Examinee. The Admin user will be using the admin panel of the system that they are in charge of populating and maintaining the system’s data. They will manage the list of Courses, Exams, Exam Questionnaires, and Examinees. The admin user can view the exam results and feedback of the students.
The Student Users can only take the exam, view their results and send feedback to the admin. Talking about the student taking the exam, the exam will only be created with a limited time duration. Every student who will start to take the exam will only allow them to finish answering that by the given period.
I am sharing this source code for the student or self-learners who wanted to enhance their programming skills using PHP/PDO. This free source code project is only for educational purposes and not for commercial use. Continue reading to know the Features, Requirements, and Installation Instructions of this project.
Features of Online Examination System With Timer
Admin Panel
- Manage Courses
- Manage Exams’
- Manage Exam’s Questionnaire
- Manage Examinees’
- View Ranking By Exam
- View Examinee Results
- Read Feedbacks
Admin Panel Mastery
As an administrator, you wield the power to manage every facet of the examination process. From overseeing courses and exams to curating exam questionnaires and managing examinees’ data, the admin panel serves as your command center. With intuitive features like viewing rankings by exam and accessing examinee results and feedback, you’re equipped with invaluable insights to drive educational excellence.
- Take the Exams’
- View their Results
- Send a Feedback
Empowering Students
For students, the system offers a user-friendly interface to navigate through exams effortlessly. With the ability to take exams, view results in real-time, and provide feedback, students are empowered to engage actively in their learning journey. The inclusion of a timer ensures that examinations adhere to stipulated timeframes, fostering a disciplined approach to test-taking.
Online Examination System With Timer Project
- Name of Project: Online Examination System With Timer Project
- Language: PHP
- Databases used: MySQL
- Design used: HTML JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap
- Browser used: IE8, Google Chrome, Opera Mozilla
- Software used: WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP
Online Examination System Flowchart
The flowchart illustrates the seamless operation of the Online Examination System with Timer, detailing the interactions between administrators and students.

Online Examination System Flowchart
Upon logging into the system, administrators gain access to a comprehensive panel where they can efficiently manage various aspects of the examination process. This includes overseeing courses, exams, questionnaires, and examinee data, as well as accessing valuable insights such as rankings, results, and feedback.
For students, the flowchart delineates a straightforward path through the examination process. After logging in, they proceed to take exams, wherein a timer initiates the examination period. Students then navigate through the questionnaire, answering questions before submitting their responses. Upon completion, they can view their results and provide feedback if desired.
This detailed flowchart ensures a streamlined and user-friendly experience for both administrators and students, facilitating efficient management and active engagement throughout the examination process.
Online Examination System ER Diagram
The Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram encapsulates the structural framework of the Online Examination System with Timer, delineating the entities, their attributes, and the relationships between them.

Online Examination System ER Diagram
- Participants (Students): Represented by the entity “Participant,” this entity encompasses individuals engaged in the examination process. Each participant is uniquely identified by a participant ID and possesses attributes such as name and email.
- Exams: The “Exam” entity signifies the assessments conducted within the system. Each exam is associated with a specific course and is characterized by attributes such as an exam ID, start time, and end time.
- Courses: Courses offered within the system are depicted by the “Course” entity. Each course is identified by a course ID and possesses attributes including the course name.
- Questions: The “Question” entity embodies the queries presented within exams. Each question is linked to a specific exam and is identified by a question ID. Attributes include the text of the question.
- Options: Questions within exams may have multiple choices, which are encapsulated within the “Option” entity. Each option is associated with a particular question and possesses attributes such as option text and a boolean indicator denoting correctness.
- Results: Results generated from participant responses to exams are represented by the “Result” entity. Each result corresponds to a participant’s performance in a specific exam, including attributes such as result ID, score, and submission time.
- Administrators: Administrators responsible for managing the system are denoted by the “Admin” entity. Each administrator is identified by an admin ID and possesses attributes such as name and email.
- Feedback: Participants may provide feedback on their exam experiences, captured by the “Feedback” entity. Each feedback entry corresponds to a participant’s response to a specific exam and includes attributes such as feedback text.
The relationships between these entities depict how they interact within the system. For instance, participants take exams, administrators manage exams and courses, questions are part of exams, options belong to questions, results are generated from participant-exam interactions, and participants may provide feedback on exams.
Implementation and Deployment
Before diving into the world of online examinations, ensure that you have a virtual server installed, such as XAMPP, to facilitate seamless deployment. The project, crafted with PHP and MySQL, is freely available for educational purposes, empowering aspiring programmers to hone their skills.
Getting Started
Embark on your journey by following these simple steps:
- Extract the File: Begin by extracting the project files to your preferred directory.
- Copy and Paste: Copy the main project folder and paste it into the designated directory within XAMPP’s htdocs folder.
- Database Configuration: Navigate to your browser and access phpMyAdmin. Create a new database named “cee_db” and import the provided “cee_db.sql” file.
- Launch the Application: Open a new browser tab/window and access the Online Examination System by entering the appropriate URL for student and admin access.

online examination system with timer using php mysql
How To Run
Above all, to run this project you must have installed a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC. Online Examination System With Timer in PHP and MySQL with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!
Follow the following steps after Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP:
1st Step: Firstly, Extract the file
2nd Step: After that, Copy the main project folder
3rd Step: So, you need to Paste in xampp/htdocs/
Further, Now Connecting Database
4th Step: So, for now, Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
5th Step: After that, Click on the databases tab
6th Step: So, Create a database naming “cee_db” and then click on the import tab
7th Step: Certainly, Click on browse file and select “cee_db.sql” file which is inside the “db” folder
8th Step: Meanwhile, click on Go button.
After Creating Database,
9th Step: Open a new tab/window in your browser and browse the Online Exam System Web Application. i.e. http://localhost/CEE/ for the student side and http://localhost/CEE/adminpanel for the admin panel.
Admin Login Access Information
Username: admin@username
Password: admin@password
Project Demonstration
Here’s a video demonstration:
In conclusion, the Online Examination System with Timer stands as a testament to the fusion of education and technology. By embracing this innovative platform, educational institutions can revolutionize the examination process, fostering a conducive environment for learning and growth. Let’s embark on this journey together, empowering learners to excel and thrive in the digital landscape.
I hope this Online Examination System With Timer in PHP will help you with what you are looking for and hope that you will learn something with this project that is useful for your future projects.
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I am not able to get login
Anyone can help me in this
Correct Admin Username and Password Please
please give correct password
hello man i’m also stuck it login page ,and im using mac with MAMP myphpadmin was working and the but http://localhost:8888/cee/adminpanel/admin/ here it won’t move nothing is working i tryed all user password for database still nothing
I can’t login in through admin, i even tried adding user in sql database, can you suggest some solution for that problem
if anyone need help for this application setup, purchase code issues or software customizations then contact me right now for professional help & services instantly. Whatsapp contact: +923006037178
Best Regards
Senior Software Engineer
admin@password is wrong
I want to import list of questions and answers from excel file. Please tell me how to do it. Thanks!
hey what is password and username.I cant login!!!
cant login
Anyone need help instantly regarding any software/application project on campcodes can contact me right now. He will get my services instantly. Whatsapp+923006037178
Senior Software Engineer.
i need your service please , also your online examination project you send online, i follow the step but i can not login, invalid username and password
You can go to users table in MySQL Xampp and add users
i already did it but still can’t login. when i click login button nothing happens, it’s not like i’m using wrong credential but still can’t login. plz help
Login button is not working
answers are not saving to database after taking exam please help out
please how did you login
Hi sir, I cant login I watch the youtube vid many times and tried to run it again but it did not go through.. Can you help me with this?
I also can’t login. Please Tell me what to do
how add more question in exam
Users can’t register on their own?
Can I get report on online examination system with timer