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Project: Complete Online Project Management System using PHP and MySQL with Source Code
About Complete Online Project Management System using PHP MySQL Project Free Download
Complete Online Project Management System using PHP MySQL Free Download is a project management software written in Laravel 5.4 (PHP Framework) which is specifically developed for freelancers and SMEs (Small/Medium sized enterprises). You can manage your company’s daily work, your employee’s tasks, keep a track on project’s progress and much more. It is designed with latest security and code standards.
Features of Complete Online Project Management System
- Manage customers and leads. Track client projects, invoices, proposals/estimates.
- Add your company’s employees, track their attendance and manage their leaves.
- Create contracts with clients with e-signatures.
- Create projects, add project members and track the project progress, expenses, earnings, timelogs, tasks, milestones.
- Kanban taskboard to visualise work and tasks.
- Project gantt chart to plan the project schedule.
- Convert the invoices to credit notes which can be redeemed.
- Create products which can be used in invoices and can be purchased by clients.
- Tickets can be raised by employees and clients which are assigned to ticket agents to get it resolved.
- Messages section for internal chats
- Slack, pusher and one signal integration for real time notifications
- Theme settings to style the app to reflect your brand
- Receive payments via PayPal, Stripe and Razorpay gateways
- Create custom roles with custom permissions for employees.
- Various reports for tasks, timelogs, finance, attendance, leaves
- Tons of other configurable options
Server Requirements
- PHP >= 7.2.5
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- GD PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
Step 1 – Welcome Screen
After creating the database next step is accessing the application URL from a browser. One thing you need to know is that Laravel is designed to allow HTTP access to the application from your public folder only. This means that this application will be available at It is good enough for installation and development purposes, however, for production, you will probably want to have your application available at In next section, I will show you how you can accomplish that.
Note: If you see any error check that you should have .env file at your root location.
To open the installer. Visit
Now the installer will show up.The First screen will be Welcome Screen

Note: If you are not able to access the website by accessing, but you are able to access it via, this means that you probably don’t have Apache mod_rewrite installed and enabled.
Step 2 – Database/Environment Setting
On step 2 you have to fill in your database credentials

Step 3: System Requirements
After clicking on “Next” button, you will be redirected to System Requirements step during the installation wizard, System Requirements.

Step 4 – Directory Permissions

Step 5: Exit
The last step is exit step.
Step 1 – Setup email settings
Setup your email configuration in superadmin email settings.

Step 2 – Setup payment settings
Setup your payment settings for the package purchase.
Add google recaptcha key in superadmin global settings.
Update Instructions
To update to new version of the worksuite follow these steps in sequence.
- Take back up of your files and database before updating.
- Replace all the files and folders except the
.env, public/storage
- After replacing the files go to this link
- You should see a database update success message.
- Login to see the new version.
Stripe Settings
- Create plans on stripe and set recurring payments and then put that plan id in packages table.
- Create a webhook for eaxmple “” on stripe.
- Domain can be anything but “/save-invoices” is important.
- Select event “invoice.payment_failed” and “invoice.payment_succeeded” while creating webhook.
Update the values in .env file for following

online project management system free download

Demo on Online Project Management System
Super Admin
Email: Password:123456
Email: Password:123456
Email: Password:123456
Email: Password:123456
Database: project
I hope this Online Project Management System using PHP MySQL will help you with what you are looking for and hope that you will learn something with this project that is useful for your future projects.
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Download Here
Hi, there is no file in the downloaded folder but and there is no file in there that can start the script. So index.php.
Can you help me?
The stream or file “/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/projectmanagementsystem/storage/logs/laravel-2022-11-25.log” could not be opened in append mode: failed to open stream: Permission denied
unable to setup step 4
hello, I just had this error without knowing the source of the problem, could you help me to correct it please
The payload is invalid.