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Project: Political Campaign Management System Software in PHP and MySQL with Source Code
About Political Campaign Management System in PHP MySQL Project Free Download
Through this Political Campaign Management System in PHP MySQL Free Download users can manage the activities and data of an Political campaign. Through this application voter database, volunteer database, event management, campaign analysis, bulk SMS sending, expenses, expense report with date-to-date search and many other things can be managed. There are modules like Area, Voter Database, Volunteer Management, Event, Campaign Analysis, Expenses, Bulk SMS, Settings and Profile.
Online Political Campaign Management System Features
These are the following features of Political Campaign Management System in PHP:
- Manage Online Campaign from Anywhere
- Voter Database
- Volunteer Database
- Event Management
- Campaign Analysis
- Expense Management
- Bulk SMS to all Voters
- Bulk SMS to all Volunteer
- Responsive
- and Many More..
Server Requirements
These are the following server requirements of Online Political Campaign Management System:
- PHP >= 5.6.0
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
Online Political Campaign Management System Installation
These are the steps on how to install Political Campaign Management System:
1. Upload all the files from the folder PCMS-Political-Campaign-Management-System to your server directory.
2. Create a database.
3. Go to the Database file application/config/database.php and fill up with your database details.
$db[‘default’][‘hostname’] = ‘Host Name’;
$db[‘default’][‘username’] = ‘Database Username’;
$db[‘default’][‘password’] = ‘Password’;
$db[‘default’][‘database’] = ‘Database Name’;
4. Import the sql file into your database from the DB folder of your main download folder.
5. Upload the .htaccess file from htaccess folder into the server directory.
Political Campaign Management System Software Modules
These are the following modules of Political Election Campaign Management System:
Generally electoral constituencies are consists with many areas. Through Area module, user can make a database of all areas.
Voter Database
A complete voter database module.
Go Voter Database button in the sidebar.
Click on Add Voter button on left top
A popup with a form will appear.
Fill The form and submit.
User also can edit and delete a voter with the options.
Volunteer Database
Volunteer Database for election campaign.
Go to –> Volunteer module from sidebar.
Click on –> Add Volunteer button.
Fill the form and submit.
Volunteer is added.
User can add, edit or delete volunteers.
Teams can be created with volunteers.
Go to Add Team Button.
Select team members and fill the form. Submit.
If you want to add more team members, go to details.
Click on add team member.
A pop up will appear.
Select volunteers as team members and submit.
User can add, edit or delete teams.
Event’s date, organizer, guests, topic, location can be managed and stored through this Module.
Campaign Analysis
Basically a SWOT Analysis for the candidate.
It will help to track development stages of an ongoing campaign.
Expenses can be managed through this module. User can add unlimited categories..
* First create categories by clicking Expenses -> Add Expense Category button in the sidebar.
* Go to the Add Expense Page. Chose a category. Fill the amount field. Click submit.
* You can also track date-to-date expense report by clicking Expenses -> Expense Report button in sidebar.
Bulk SMS
Bulk SMS can be sent through this application in bulk SMS module.
For sending bulk SMS user should have a ClickaTell account.
Go To-> and create an account.
After login you will get an API id and API password.
Then Go To ECMS application.
Click Bulk SMS->sms settings.
Submit the form with your clickatell details.
Now your SMS settings is configured.
Buy credit in clickatell and send SMS as much as you want.
For sending Bulk SMS, Go To Bulk SMS -> Send SMS
Select whom you want to send sms.
Write message and send.
Site Configuration Can be changed through this module.
Different types of settings can be managed.
1. Site Title.
2. Address
3. Phone Number
4. Email Address.
5. Currency.
Complete Online Political Election Campaign Management System Project
- Name of Project: Online Political Election Campaign Management System Project
- Language: PHP
- Databases used: MySQL
- Design used: HTML JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap
- Browser used: IE8, Google Chrome, Opera Mozilla
- Software used: WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP
Login Details as below :
Password: 12345
I hope this Political Election Campaign Management System in PHP MySQL will help you with what you are looking for and hope that you will learn something with this project that is useful for your future projects.
Related Projects: Advanced Voting Management System using PHP/MySQLi, Online Voting System using PHP MySQL
I SUGGEST TO USE LARAGON + php 7.4, if you test this projetc in kocal in your computer
The username and password 12345 are not working. Can you please provide the password. Thankyou -> use as the user name
You can change all those in your SQL Server
How do you get to pass the white page, I am not getting passed there.
And everything seem correct.
hi tell me your whatsapp brother
hi dev in the code there are no controller, and i get redirected back in login, it’s normal?
Anyone need help instantly regarding any software/application project on campcodes can contact me right now. He will get my services instantly. Whatsapp+923006037178
Senior Software Engineer.
When I try running the apache admin server from xampp, it shows me a blank screen on browser, What should I do?
Check your drivers. The code was built on MySQL but I guess you are using the latest version of mysql which uses mysqli as driver.
In the file where you edit server name and password, edit driver to mysqli .
Send me an email for more clarity
after making changes in database I get the following error
A Database Error Occurred
Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings.
Filename: C:\xampp\htdocs\emc\system\database\DB_driver.php
Line Number: 125
The username and password 12345 are not working. Can you please provide the password. Thankyou
did you get admin user and password , please support me , also i got like this problem
access forbidden. how to fix?
When I try running the apache admin server from xampp, it shows me a blank screen on browser, What should I do?
I have this error, did you solve?
Error Number: 1046
No database selected
SELECT `email`, `username`, `email`, `id`, `password`, `active`, `last_login` FROM (`users`) WHERE `email` = ‘’ ORDER BY `id` desc LIMIT 1
Filename: E:\xampp\htdocs\ECMS-Election-Campaign-Management-System\system\database\DB_driver.php
Line Number: 331
How it will be solved?
very nice tutorial but by following the video tutorial, I see that you do not show how to activate the following extensions:
– OpenSSL PHP Extension
– Tokenizer PHP Extension
I am using the LWS host and I have a hard time finding my way.
can you enlighten us please?
It doesn’t need openssl and tokenizer extensions. You may proceed to install in your hosting.
please user and password not working