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Project: Ultimate Facebook Clone Social Network Platform using PHP and MySQL with Source Code
About Ultimate Facebook Clone Social Network Platform using PHP MySQL Project Free Download
This project is called Ultimate Facebook Clone Social Network Platform using PHP MySQL Source Code. WoWonder is a PHP Social Network Script, WoWonder is the best way to start your own social network website!
WoWonder is fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
Features of Ultimate Facebook Clone Social Network Platform
- High Performance & High Level Cache System: The #1 thing that must be available on any social network website, The Speed ! Speed up your website with our Cache system, enable it and the website can handle more than 1 Million user!
- Wonder (New Feature): With our new feature, user can wonder posts, photos, videos.
- RTL Support: WoWonder also supports right to left languages.
- Social Login: With WoWonder you can login via most famous social media websites like (Facebook – Twitter – Google+ – LinkedIn – Vk – Instagram).
- Easy & Nice Looking URL: Users, Pages, Group all in one tiny URL !
- User Last Seen: Displays user’s last seen/online status.
- Profile visit Notification: Receive notification from users who visited your profile.
- Friends & Follow System: WoWonder Supports friends system like Facebook, follow system like twitter.
- Home/News Feed: Displays Posts, Photos, Files, Videos, and Maps posted by friends/followed people, Also story filters, follow/friends suggestions, and user activities list.
- User Timeline: Displays user?s profile with Posts, Photos, Videos posted and shared by user.
- Pages: User can create unlimited pages and invite his friends to like the pages.
- Groups: User can create unlimited groups and invite/add his friends to his joined groups.
- Games: User can play unlimited flash games.
- Social Videos Support: User can easily share videos from the biggest videos sharing websites like Youtube, Dailymotion, Vine, Vimeo, Facebook videos & Soundcloud music
- Photo Album: User can create unlimited photo albums with nice looking style.
- Cover Picture: Dynamic Cover for users.
- Profile Picture: Dynamic profile picture for users.
- User Privacy: Control who can message you, post on your timeline, follow you, confirm follow requests or not, last seen, etc.
- User Profile Info: Displays user’s profile information (birthday, website, gender, social media, about, last seen, etc).
- Notifications: Receive notification from users (likes, dislikes, comments, wonders, shares .. etc)
- #Hashtags: Displays trending and related topics shared by users.
- @Mentions: Use @username to tag people in a status or messages.
- Post Publisher: Status, Sound cloud, YouTube, Vine, Google Maps, Videos, Files, Photos and emoticons.
- Delete & Edit Posts: User can delete and edit his own posts.
- Save Posts: User can save posts to view them later.
- User Events: User can share their events like feelings/travailing/watching/playing/listening.
- Recent Search: What ever the user was looking for, all will be saved into recent searches with the ability to clear them.
- Post Privacy: User can choose the post privacy (Only me, Everyone.. etc)
- Likes: Like or unlike a post. View list of people who like this.
- Dislike: Dislike a post. View list of people who dislike this.
- Comments & Replies: Comment on a post, Reply to a comment, View all post comments.
- Search: Search for people, #Hashtags with our filtered search system.
- Reports: Report posts to be checked by administrators.
- Live Chat: Real-time live chat system, (online, offline) status.
- Messages: Send and receive private messages & share files from other Users.
- API: retrieve user data, user posts, search for users via API.
- Activities: Displays user’s latest activities (likes, shares,comments, wonders)
- Multi Languages: 4 Languages (Arabic, English, Russian, Turkish) with the ability to add unlimited languages.
- Verified Profiles/Pages.
- Fully responsive for all devices, browsers.
- Password recovery by email.
- Online user counter on admin & home page.
- Comment auto detector
- Emoticons.
- and many more..
Admin Panel Features
- Admin Dashboard: Full statics with charts analyzing the site information.
- General Settings: Update general settings of website.
- Site settings: Update site settings like name,title,keywords.. etc ..
- Theme System: Dynamic theme system with PHP support that allows you to change the whole layout of the website.
- Advertisement: Display ads on your websites.
- Manage Reports: View reported posts, mark them as safe or delete.
- Manage Users: View, edit, verify, reset password, delete users.
- Manage Posts: View, delete posts.
- Add/Edit Games: Add and edit games on easy way from the admin panel.
- Mailing List: With our mailing list system you can send your message to all registered users in just one click !
- Announcements: Write, edit, delete, active, and inactive your announcements.
- Google analytics: Add, edit your Google analytics code.
- Ban user: Ben user ip on very easy way.
- reCaptcha: Add, edit your reCaptcha key.
- and many more..
PHP 5.5 or Higher.
GD Library.
SSL certificate (just require for video chat).
How To Run??
Above all, to run this project you must have installed a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC. Ultimate Facebook Clone Social Network Platform in PHP and MySQL with source code is free to download,
Follow the following steps after Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP:
1st Step: Firstly, Extract the file
2nd Step: After that, Copy the main project folder
3rd Step: So, you need to Paste in xampp/htdocs/
Further, Now Connecting Database
4th Step: So, for now, Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
5th Step: After that, Click on the databases tab
6th Step: So, Create a database naming “social” and then click on the import tab
7th Step: Certainly, Click on browse file and select “social” file which is inside the “db” folder
8th Step: Meanwhile, click on Go button.
After Creating Database,
9th Step: Open a web browser and browse the project. E.g [http://localhost/]
I hope this Ultimate Facebook Clone Social Network Platform using PHP MySQL will help you with what you are looking for and hope that you will learn something with this project that is useful for your future projects.
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What is the purchase code and how to get it
Just input anything.
Home page not displaying well how can i fix it ?
Edit the .env file.
css homepage does not work
hellow sir i contact you through whatsapp,facebook and youtube but till now you did not respond.when i install my home page is scattered. pls help me and anser me .
the homepage css not works
admin usar pasword plz
Is it developed by you or a stolen reworked Script like WoWonder, Sngine or PHPSocial Clone?
is it Warez?
Where are Login Data to Admin Panel? Username and Password?
Where is the Serial Key for the install script? And why there is a key needed if it is a free project?
It would be nice if you answer my questions. Thanks Sir and keep up the good work 🙂
Kind regards, Andy 😉
it is a nulled wowonder script
the script works well but doesnt proceed in admin account
the home page is empty, there is nothing on it when I log in
can i go online with this script?
pls i cant find the script can you share with me
Pls the script works fine buh I can’t go further to the admin page pls help send the full script
is it possible to set up ssl?
how to fix ?
Deprecated: Required parameter $update_data follows optional parameter $page_id in /www/wwwroot/love-meet/assets/includes/functions_two.php on line 1966
Deprecated: Required parameter $update_data follows optional parameter $post_id in /www/wwwroot/love-meet/assets/includes/functions_two.php on line 2070
Deprecated: Required parameter $update_data follows optional parameter $group_id in /www/wwwroot/love-meet/assets/includes/functions_two.php on line 2741
Deprecated: Required parameter $langs follows optional parameter $lang in /www/wwwroot/love-meet/assets/includes/functions_two.php on line 6246
Home page is not working
what is the problem after ‘Your Website is Ready!’ if I click let start, it will direct me to localhost/dashboard/
Can you help me with the problem
Is it possible to install via cpanel?
plz help me css file does not work
allow_url_fopen Required allow_url_fopen Disabled
This is what I saw when I installed the template, what do I do?
What is the purchase code?
I couldn’t install it 😐
its not working
error loggin in
css not also working properly. please how can this issue be fixed
Mail page css is not working and add game e.t.c are also not working.this project host online to get all work.
Is it possable to host on cpanel or online
How do users set their privacy settings? I cannot find the privacy settings in setting menu.
And, how do users request verification badge?
Please the css in main page is broken
please can i apply for google adsense after cloning?
Am unable to make any single html changes …where do i find html files…all i see is pho files
i have a your wowander template file of tha similer on facebook. but my total hompage is broken. .don’t get stylesheet please help me
Mail me at with your whatsup number
The news feed is not showing properly
give to us right admin-panel / index . php please
it’s not possibble to get in admin page.
Your Internet has to be on to get into the admin page
There is a problem in Facebook theme it is not working properly in header.
Mine shows error 404 after installation on xampp
Home page display is abnormal
I am not able to get connected to database because, I am not able to find sql file in DB Folder…Help me out of this……
Please follow the video tutorial. There is no need to import a database file.
Why not install on C panel