Table of Contents
Project: Complete Employee Leave Management System Source Code and Documents in VB.Net
This is a complete source code with chapters 1-3 documentation of a Leave Management system. The employee leave management system source code is create using VB.Net, and the database is MySQL.
Here’s the Sample Screenshot of the System
The screenshot below is used for data entry of employee information.

The screenshot below is use by employee when they want to apply for a leave.
The image below is the admin functionality specifically the approval or disapproval of a specific leave.

Here’s the image below is the final list of all leave acquired by all employees.
You can scroll down to know all the details of this Leave management System project.
Chapter 1
SML store is an organization that needs to monitor the performance of its numerous employees. In this kind of organization, SML must have an information system that can conveniently do all of that. Performance and compliance. In one year, an employee can commit several leaves of absences. SML STORE currently uses the manual leave management system. The employee process leaves by filling up a form and letting his/her manager or supervisor approve it. This type of system takes time for information to be gathered and as well as to generate reports. SML Employee Leave Management System with notification will aim to have a better system, so they would know who and how many employees are on leave and are available at the store. SML Employee Leave Management System with the notification is an inefficient use of the company’s time and resources so that SML will use a new leave management system for efficient use. The new SML Employee Leave Management system with notification will bring to the betterment for future use. The process of leave management will be easy to the employee and also to the SML store who provide information or queries about leaves of every employee, whether it may be concerned on leave balances, approval of leave on a specific date, etc. SML leave management should aim to have a better system, so they would know who and how many employees are on leave and are available at the store. SML leave management system with a notification project is can be accessed all over the organization or company. This system is an automated system for managing leaves related info. Of employees and approval of leaves, cancellation, etc. are elements of this system. Every employee is provided with a unique employee’s id for log in to the system and send a request for leave. Project managers of higher authorities will look after the proposal, accept, reject, or keep it pending. Before approving leave, different departments, people will look after the request through this system and take decisions. This system will upgrade the process of leave management inside the company by saving time and resources. It helps employees can leave balances, request leaves, view past leave history, and managers can review and leave applications. This system is handy for any company or organization where there is a large number of employees. This system manages different types, leave the history of all employees. The leave management system is a LAN system w/c can be used through the cooperate company. This system also used to automatic. The workflow of leave applications and their approvals in the corporate world. This system has many features such as notification, leave, cancellation, automated leave approval, and report generation based on the request data by the user. This system tracks and manages employees applying for leave.
Purpose and Description
The purpose of the SML Employee Leave Management System with the notification is to manage the employees efficiently. This study aims to help the staff/employees of the SML Store make their leave faster by using the system where they can monitor remaining leaves in the records where they can see in the database. The system will provide an excellent service to the store like a better transaction process that brings employees fast leave efficiency.
Research Objectives
General Objectives: To be able to create the Employee Leave Management System of the SML store. Specific Objectives: The employees can request a Leave and Vacation Leave and immediately know. To be able to fewer paper works and faster, leave applying with lesser time to be spent. To evaluate the acceptability of the proposed system.
Scope and Limitations of the Research
The leave management system to be designed, developed, and implemented types of leaves and the leave management of SML. The system is exclusively designed and developed for the SML in general, and the employees’ leave records section in particular. The employee’s employee’s leave section is solely responsible for keeping the leave and related documents of employees and keeping track of their information. The leave management system is designed in such a way that it makes it possible to access it through any company computer program. This serves as the user interface. The windows form supported interface created is dynamic and, as a result, backed by a database system that enables users to have the ability to input, access, manipulate and delete data from the database. The system runs leave aspects that employees can manage as long as they are in companies provided computer for leave. The scope of this project is limited to several processes handling of employees’employees’ leave applications, managing leave balances, records management, administration, and leave management. It will generate reports such as leave trends of the company, employee availability, employee leave balance, leave rejection, leave acceptance. The organization will also be forced to offer training to those employees who are computer illiterate, thus adding some expenses to the organization. The system not calculating the salary of the employee only admin can add, update, and delete employee information minimum of 1/2-day leave only.
Significance of the Research
Employees- Employee can log in with valid employee’s code, and he/she request for leave and can view history. Owner- Can add and update employees, and he/she can block employees, and the owner also can approve or decline leave requests. Future Researchers- The future researchers can use this project as a sample study guide if ever they conduct some study guide if ever, they do a study to develop a system related to this kind of system. This project can serve as their reference. They can use the data in this project for further studies. Researchers- A person whose job involves discovering or verifying information for use in a book, program, etc. this research can help for their studies of employee leave management system.
Definition of Terms
Leave Conceptual– Depart from going away from, withdraw from, retire from taking one left off, pull out of, absent oneself from evacuate. Operational- To manage and to control an employee to applying or request vacation etc. Automated Conceptual – Covert a process or facility to mostly automatic operation. Functional– Automatically perform via the system. Employees Conceptual – A person employed for wages or salary, especially at a non-executive level. Operational– People work in a company. Manage Conceptual – Be in charge of a company establishment or undertaking administer run. Operational- To handle a system
Follow the steps on how to run this system.
Step 1: Download the full source code below. Step 2: Extract the Downloaded file and look for the elms.sql file Step 3: Create a MySQL database and name it as elms Step 4: Import the elms.sql file Step 5: Run the project
Login Details
Admin Side: Account Code = “123” Email = “admin” Password = “admin” Employee Side: Employee Code = “SML-0004”
This is only a student project. You can expect 100 percent full functionality that could match your requirements. Since you have all the source code, you modify this for free to suit your client’s needs.