Church Management System Project Documentation

July 16, 2021
church management system project documentation

Church Management System Project Documentation

Technological advancement makes a significant contribution to the advancement and enhancement of several industry sectors. For quick and efficient transactions, each industry must adopt systematic processing. Different sectors will benefit from the usage of computer systems and apps to better their operations and transactions.

The capstone project, titled “Church Management System,” is intended for church organizations to use in planning and executing various church events. The traditional way of administering church events is done manually, which can be challenging for members of organizations owing to physical restrictions and time limits.

The project’s researchers presented an IT-based solution to address the issues with the manual approach of church event management. The researchers want to create an automated Church Event Management System to make planning and administering church activities easier.

To complete an operational system, the researchers use the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to create the project. IT professionals will examine the developed system in order to improve its functionality.

The system’s installation will greatly assist church organizations. The system will help them with everything from event booking to event preparation. All of the issues that plagued the manual procedure will be resolved by the technology.

Church Management System Introduction

“Church Management System,” the thesis project, is a system that will allow church groups to automate the process of establishing and administering church events. The technology in question makes it simple for churches to plan events and handle essential elements for those occasions.
Church groups host events to assist members of the congregation in creating opportunities for camaraderie and growth. Church activities are typically attended by a large number of individuals from the congregation, necessitating a great deal of effort on the part of the designated committee, from planning through registration. Without an effective method for planning the event, the organizer may have a tough time balancing all of the factors required for the event. In order to complete the necessary preparations, the traditional approach of administering church activities may confront physical impediments and time limits.

Proposed Solution of Church Management System Project Documentation

The study’s researchers recommended a Church Management System to address the aforementioned concerns by automating the processes required for a church event. The system will handle tasks such as sending out announcements for forthcoming events, automating headcounts for event participants, collecting required payments, and any other tasks that must be completed in order for a church event to be successful. All of the issues associated with manual church event management will be eliminated by the suggested solution. For church organizations, the system will be a useful and dependable tool.

Church Management System Project Documentation Objectives

The project’s general objective is to create a system that will automate all of the activities involved in running a religious event.

The following goals are especially targeted by the project:

  • To create a system that allows religious organizations to electronically alert church members about future events.
  • The system will let the participants of the event register online.
  • The system will let the events committee have a platform for communication to share updates about the preparation.
  • To develop a system that will ease up church event management.
  • The system will be efficient and reliable to use.

Scope of the Study

The study’s major goal was to create an automated Church Management System that would assist churches in coordinating various church events. The researchers will construct a system that will allow users to create events, choose timetables, prepare for events, and post future events for the members’ information. To examine the system’s efficiency and dependability, the study will employ the respondent’s intended users of the system, which are most likely church organizations and members of the church. IT professionals will examine the generated system in order to improve it and ensure that it is completely operational.

Significance of the Study

The success of the study is deemed beneficial to the following:

Church Organization. The project’s success will be extremely beneficial to them because it will provide them with a platform to successfully handle church events. The system will assist in ensuring that the events are successful and that the attendees are well-cared for.

Church Members. They will be able to simply engage in various church events thanks to the system. They can easily sign up for the church event that they want to attend.

Researchers. The project’s success will add to their programming experience. The project will help them improve their programming abilities and expertise.

Future Researchers. The study will serve as their baseline in conducting their own pursuit of the study.

Church Management System Project Documentation Highlights

The Church Management System is a database-driven system that will allow electronic management of church events.

The following are some of the benefits of the Church Event System:

Automated Management — The system will make managing church events easier for church organizations.
Records Management is a database system that makes electronic, safe, accurate, trustworthy, and rapid records of church happenings.
Report Generation — The system generates and distributes reports regarding church event records automatically.

How the System Works

The forms, modules, and user interface of the Church Management System will be shown in this section of the paper to demonstrate how the system will work.

Login Form – the intended users will utilize this form to log into the system. To access the system’s records and functions, each user will have their own login and password.

Church Event Management System - Login Form

The system administrator’s homepage is called the dashboard.

The following information is mostly displayed on the administrator’s dashboard:

  • Total Income
  • Total Number of Members
  • The Total Number of Events

The design of the administrator’s dashboard is seen below.

Church Event Management System - Dashboard

Member Information

Member Information – the information of the registered members will be required for this form. Members’ information can be added, edited, or deleted by the administrator.

The following information about the members will be encoded by the administrator:

  • Last name
    First name
    Middle name
    Contact number
    Profile Image

The image shown below is the design of the Member Information form.

Church Event Management System - Member Management

Event Management – This module will allow the admin to manage event details.

The admin will enter the following information of the events into the system:

  • Event Title
  • Description
  • Date
  • Time
  • Address of event
  • Banner Image
  • Status – open, canceled, completed

Shown below is the layout of the Event Management module.

Event Attendance Record – this form will require the information of the attendees for specific events.

The following information will be entered into the system using the form:

  • Event name
  • Date
  • Member Name
  • Status – Present, Absent

The image shown below is the form design of the Event Attendance Record.

Church Event Management System - Event Attendance Information

Income/Donation Management – this module will allow the admin to manage the income or donation for the events.

The following information will be encoded into the system:

  • Member name
  • Amount
  • Date

Shown below is the layout of the Income or Donation Management module.

Church Event Management System - Donation Management

Expense Management – this module will require the details of expenses for the events.

The following expenses details will be entered into the system:

  • Expense name
  • Amount
  • Date
  • Receipt or liquidation report

The image below is the layout of the Expense Management module.

Church Event Management System - Expense Management

User Management – this form will allow the admin to manage the users of the system.

The following information of the users will be encoded in the system:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Full name
  • Contact
  • Email

The User Management form’s layout is seen below.

Database Backup Management enables the system administrator to establish and manage the system’s backup database.

Ledger Report – this form will show the specifics of the event’s expenses and income. A graph and a table will be used to present the report.

Church Event Management System - Individual Attendance Report



Religious gatherings and activities are held to foster camaraderie and progress among church members. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the inefficient manual way of administering church events. To address the issues with the manual method of coordinating church events, the researchers created an automated Church Management System. The study’s findings revealed that the built Church Event Management System matched the respondents’ and intended users’ needs and criteria.

As a result, the researchers came to the conclusion that the developed system has the ability to replace the manual approach of planning and executing church events. The system can be used by church organizations for event planning, scheduling, and preparation. The system will effectively assist in the management of church events, resulting in a successful church event.


The researchers strongly advise that the system be implemented. The established system may provide effective and dependable service to various church groups in terms of event planning and creation. According to the experts, church groups should seriously consider implementing the system to help them manage church events. The project’s intended users should have enough understanding of how the system works to be able to use it correctly.

The researchers of the study specifically recommend the following:

  • Churches should implement the system in their organizations to make church events easier to administer.
  • Members of the congregation can utilize the system to be informed about forthcoming church events.
  • The solution comes highly recommended by the researchers since it makes church event management simple, quick, and convenient.

Related Project: Church Management System Software using PHP/MySQL

I hope this Church Management System Project Documentation  will help you with what you are looking for and hope that you will learn something with this project report that is useful for your thesis or capstone project.

  • Wowwwwww i love it i would like to use in our church can i have the source code please?

    NURU YETU May 8, 2024 4:54 am Reply
  • Hello, can I ask for the source code for this one?
    I am really encouraged by it and want to use it for our Church.

    Tes Oute March 23, 2024 7:53 pm Reply
  • please provide the source code for this

    Calvin Lal September 25, 2023 2:10 am Reply
  • Hello, can I ask for the source code for this one?

    MOHIT BISWAL August 10, 2023 12:17 am Reply
    Please i want the Source code for the project

    AZAMETI YAO CHARLES March 23, 2023 12:34 am Reply
  • hi sir can i get the source code?

    Jao February 7, 2023 6:28 pm Reply
  • Hi,
    Amazing solution you have here…
    Any chance I can have the source code?
    Thank you.

    BcpSambo January 24, 2023 2:10 am Reply
  • Hi..Can i have a source code for this.?

    Frankie October 30, 2022 4:08 pm Reply
    • Hello Frankie,
      Just want to confirm was the source code sent to you?

      BcpSambo January 24, 2023 2:12 am Reply
  • please give us a alumni portal docu please

    Anonymous September 23, 2022 2:08 pm Reply
  • Hello, can I ask for the source code for this one?
    i want to use this on our Church

    JR Labrador June 20, 2022 7:18 am Reply

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