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Enrollment System Complete Project Documentation
Enrollment System Introduction
Computer technology has opened a new chapter in technical advancements, allowing computers to become a part of daily life. Computers make everyone’s lives easier, allowing them to live better lives. At work, school, and at home, computers are ubiquitous. Teaching and learning, data processing, record keeping, and the educational system’s enrollment system have all benefited from technology.
Enrollment systems are used to keep track of a student’s data. A well-built one will lighten the load on those who are generally responsible for all of the work. The enrollment mechanism comes in handy when the school has to get crucial information from a student. The school can track the standings of pupils using the enrolling system. A school’s manual enrollment approach might result in erroneous student performance evaluations, lost student data, inaccurate reporting, and sluggish enrollment processing. Students will be perplexed as to what they should do and how they should go about enrolling. It is incredibly important in the school because it simplifies the enrollment process.
In order to enroll students, the School follows the traditional method. A total of 3,000 students are enrolled in four (4) year levels. The school’s population grows every year, therefore the manual enrollment and student record-keeping system takes up too much time for the teachers or enrolling officer.
The researchers’ goal in this study is to create a fast, accurate, and dependable computer-based enrollment system for the School’s administration, faculty, and staff that will speed up the enrollment process, facilitate and secure students’ records, reduce the enrolling officer’s effort in updating students’ information, provide a reliable record-keeping facility, and provide accurate enrolling information.
Login/logout services, an administrative module, a registrar module, a cashier module, database maintenance, and a help assistant are all included in the proposed system.
Project Context
The school’s current system, such as the enrolling system and record keeping, is done manually. The manual system has been in place from the beginning of the school’s functioning.
During the enrolling period, students will visit the admissions office and get any necessary enrollment requirements. The evaluator will then assess the students’ grades in order to determine which subjects they should take in the current school year and their existing academic standing. The assessor will generate a list of subjects that the students are needed to take. Students will pay their PTA fee and other costs to the cashier after receiving the list. The cashier will provide the students receipts to prove that they had previously paid. The person in charge will prepare a summary of student enrollment at the end of the enrollment period.
Because the enrolling officer must search and locate the student’s records in the filing cabinet, the manual updating of the student’s records slows down the admission process. Delays in student evaluations due to the enrolling officer’s need to review past grades and the fact that some of the student’s records are misplaced. Due to disorganized student data, tallying subjects takes time as well.
As a result of these factors, the researchers chose to design and construct a computerized enrollment system that is quick, accurate, dependable, and simple to use. The planned enrollment mechanism is a positive move in the right direction for the institution. By offering quick and easy access to information, this might be a huge benefit to those who are juggling a lot of chores throughout the enrollment time.
Purpose and Description
This capstone project’s major goal is to create a computer-based enrollment system that is quick, accurate, dependable, and simple to use.
The researchers will design and construct a capstone project titled “Computerized Enrollment System” for the School’s administration, instructors, staff, and students.
The proposed project will use computer-based software to replace the school’s present manual enrollment system, which will allow authorized users to speed up the enrolling process, provide updated, secure, and easy-to-access student records, and provide accurate reports.
Login/logout services, administrator’s module, registrar’s module, enrollment/cashier module, database maintenance, and help assistant will be among the system’s features.
The proposed system’s Log-in/Log-out Services feature will require allowed users to input their user ID and password in order to access their user account in the administrator’s module, registrar’s module, and enrollment/cashier module.
The school administrator can control sections, year levels, school years (set active school years – used in current enrollment), subjects, faculty, and staff in the Administrator’s Module.
The Registrar’s Module allows the personnel of the registrar’s office to manage student credentials, view a list of enrolled students, view student records, and enter grades.
The Enrollment/Cashier Module gives the cashier access to enrollment data, enrolled student complete details, payment records, fee management, and the student ledger.
Database maintenance is one of the system’s functions that allows administrators to update students’ records, manage data and transaction log files, and backup the system.
The Help Assistant is a program that provides instructions on how to utilize the system.
The following outputs are possible from the proposed project: a user’s log report, a list of enrolled students, enrollment summary reports, payments and collectibles, and a student ledger.
Objective of the Study
The study’s major objective is to create a computerized enrollment system for the school that will allow for quick, accurate, and simple enrolling and record keeping.
The following are the researchers’ precise goals in conducting this study:
- To make updating a student’s record as easy as possible for the teacher-in-charge or the enrolling officer.
- To expedite the enrollment process at all levels of the school year.
- To create a database for student files that would allow enrolling officers to quickly search, locate, and update information.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
This capstone project will focus only on the school’s computerized enrollment system and record keeping. The researchers will concentrate on collecting relevant data, such as student information, calculating appropriate payments, handling student grades, making reports, and generating student credentials.
The proposed system’s database management component will focus on adding and changing student records, grades, maintaining and managing user table entries and user logs, and monitoring changes made by allowed users in the system.
The proposed project will be built on a client-server architecture and will be connected over a local area network (LAN). This is not available over the Internet, and only the administrator with access to the Administrator’s Module has complete access to all of the system’s functions.
This chapter includes a review of related literature and studies, as well as the technical backdrop on which the project’s technicality, details of the technologies to be used, and the project’s relevance will be discussed.
Computerized Enrollment System
According to (2012), electronic enrollment systems are increasingly replacing what we used to call “paperless” transactions and making any transaction easier and faster. It also tends to reduce the amount of manpower and human effort required to conduct any enrollment transaction. (
Record Keeping
Records, according to Chifwepa (2009), have two purposes. Not only do they present a clear image of what is available and what is necessary for a school, but they also justify certain needs. They also help to extend the memory of individuals and/or organizations, allowing them to carry on their traditions and successes to future generations. Because of its critical role in the effective creation and gathering of information, record keeping is critical to the overall information cycle of an educational institution. Because schools create some of the most important data, the need of establishing a rigorous record-keeping culture at that level cannot be overstated. (
Importance of Record Keeping
Adebowale and Osuji (2008) researched the record-keeping methods of elementary school teachers in a number of local government regions in Nigeria’s Ondo state. Data was obtained using a questionnaire titled “Questionnaire on Record-Keeping Practices of Primary School Teachers,” and descriptive statistics were used to evaluate the results. The findings revealed that, while the teachers were aware with some record-keeping principles, they were not proficient in the majority of operational procedures and did not display knowledge of how to use record-keeping to enhance teaching and learning activities. There was no equipment available that could be utilized to keep records safe. The researchers recommend that instructors receive frequent in-service training in record keeping and retrieval, recognizing the relevance of record keeping in the successful implementation of the country’s Universal Basic Education program. Teacher preparation programs should also incorporate the development of record-keeping abilities. (
Student Information System
The above-mentioned concepts on computerization of enrollment systems and record keeping are relevant to the current project because they serve as a foundation for the development of an enrollment system for the School that will reduce the time and effort expended by staff in updating student records and maintaining records. The concepts also allude to aspects of the current study, such as the users’ module and database maintenance, which will be implemented into the proposed system by the developers.
The researchers based their formulation of the general objectives and important factors to consider in designing the features that should be included in the development of the proposed enrollment system on the concept of record keeping, its importance, and its fundamental role in the process of efficient information production and collection.
The associated studies on records and information management, as well as record keeping techniques, provide details and evidence to help researchers build and construct a successful enrollment and record keeping tool.
The School’s current enrolling system is done manually. The school lacks technology that is important and required for a quick and easy enrollment procedure, record keeping, and report generating.
The school will need to purchase computer units, a machine to print results, and set up Local Area Network access in order to implement the suggested system.
Using the computerized enrollment system and utilizing technology in data processing, record keeping, and the enrolling system will offer the school with an efficient means of processing information and maintaining records.
The suggested system will be placed on a primary server and may include a backup server in the event that the primary server fails. The operating system for the server will be Microsoft Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, which will run programs such as networking and databases. To protect the main server and other PCs from viruses, a software firewall must be installed.
The Modified Waterfall Model will be used by the researchers in the creation of the new software.
The researchers’ approach and technique for performing the study, the system development procedure, and the results and discussion are all covered in this chapter.
The researchers will undertake this capstone project using a variety of data collection approaches as well as a variety of analytical tools to aid and justify the study’s conduct. Researchers will be able to discover the challenges that the school’s administration and personnel face in the current system using data collection approaches. Interviewing, observation, and brainstorming are examples of analytical tools. The information gathered will be examined and used as a foundation for the system’s design and development.
An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) in which the interviewer asks the interviewee questions in order to gain information. Observation is either a living being’s action, such as a human’s, in which they receive knowledge of the outside world through their senses or a scientific instrument’s recording of data. Any data collected during this action may alternatively be referred to as “data.” An observation can also refer to how or when you look at something. Brainstorming is a technique for gathering as many ideas from a group of people as feasible. Typically used to identify potential answers to problems, clarify details of opportunities, and find remedies to existing system difficulties.
The researchers will develop the system using the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method. As indicated in Figure 1, the SDLC approach is used in the study and design of the system.
The researchers will employ the Modified Waterfall Model in constructing the Computerized Enrollment System, which is divided into numerous phases, as shown in Figure 1. The following are some of them:
Requirement analysis is a term that refers to the process of determining what The researchers will investigate how the system operates, as well as the user’s preferences, needs, and requirements, before recommending a remedy. To determine system requirements, the researchers will interview the school administrator, registrar, and finance department staff. The researchers will assess the data and conduct research on related literature and studies after the interview. It also include creating estimates for the work to be done, generating the necessary commitments, defining the work plan, and finalizing the project plan.
Design of systems and software. The system will be designed in this phase depending on the system’s requirements. The researchers will create the database model structure, connect the database tables, create data forms, and prepare the project presentation. A review of the system’s design and functionality will be carried out. The programmer will evaluate and change the design of the system’s tables and forms, as well as test the system’s functionality. The data flow in the system will be represented using a Data Flow Diagram (DFD). The system’s data model will be an entity relationship diagram (ERD). The programmer will write the source code for the system that will be built.
Testing. This phase entails reviewing a system or application in order to determine whether it fits all of the client’s requirements and to identify any faults. To assess if it will work according to the specification, requirements such as software functions and features were checked. This step verifies that the created system is complete and functional, assesses whether the software performs all functions after integration with the existing operating environment, and assesses the software’s overall dependability and quality.
Implementation. The researchers will do a dry-run of the system and train the system’s intended users during this phase. Users of the system will examine if the system’s recommended features and suggestions are implemented.
Maintenance and operation. This phase ensures that the information system is completely functioning and performing at its best until it reaches the end of its useful life. Management of changes to the system to support end users, monitoring of system performance, performance of needed security actions such as backups, and continuance of end user assistance are all part of the Operations and Maintenance Phase.
This phase will also offer users with the documentation and training they need to efficiently use the system. Although data conversion will only take place once, user documentation will be required. The product will be deployed on the hardware that will be utilized in the production environment (on live systems). Deployment necessitates meticulous planning. Initial data will be loaded and user training will take place once the product has been deployed.
Requirements Analysis and Documentation
The suggested solution is called “Computerized Enrolling,” and it is a computer program that allows authorized users to automate the school’s enrollment system and record-keeping. Users will be able to discover and retrieve necessary student information and credentials, as well as compile an enrollment summary report, using the program.
The following aims and objectives must be met in order for the software design and development to be completed:
- To make updating a student’s record as easy as possible for the teacher-in-charge or the enrolling officer.
- To expedite the enrollment process at all levels of the school year.
- To create a database for student files that would allow enrollment officers to readily update information.
- Enrollment and record-keeping software that is completely available over the school’s Local Area Network (LAN).
- To produce reports that are quick, dependable, and accurate.
System Functionality
Administrator – The system’s log-in and log-out services will prompt authorized users to enter their user id and password. The administrator is the only system user who has full access to all of the proposed system software’s functionalities. It has a database that the administrator can update and maintain.
Registrar – The system prompts the registrar’s office workers to provide their user id and password. Students’ grades can be entered and validated by the staff.
Cashier – The system will require the cashier to input their user id and password. The cashier can check enrollment data and students’ complete details after successfully logging into the system. The cashier has the ability to accept payments and print receipts.
Project Plan
Before implementing the software project, the researchers will create a project schedule that details the planned activities, resource management, and cost estimates for the construction of the computer-based enrollment system.
Design of Software and Process
The researchers will produce a design for the system to be created after gathering data and determining user needs through observation and interview, as well as user ideas.
All of the first phase’s requirements are being used to aid in the effective construction of the Computerized Enrollment System for administration and employees. The Context Diagram, Decomposition Diagram, DFD Explosion for administrator, registrar, and cashier, and Entity Relationship Diagram of the built system will be presented in this part.
Development and Testing
The system process model that the researchers will use in building the system is the Modified Cascade Model, which evolves methodically from one phase to the next in a downward direction like a waterfall.
Testing will put the system through its paces in every way possible. It comprises both preliminary and comprehensive testing of the new software. Prior to delivery, the new program, as well as the equipment and software, should be thoroughly evaluated to guarantee that the system performs as planned.
Requirements Definition Phase
Define system requirements, construct system process model, and develop application logical data model, estimate system workload, and identify strategies for training end users are all activities in this phase. During the Requirements Definition Phase, the researchers will collaborate with the proposed system’s beneficiary to define the project’s architectural limits, develop criteria for measuring the system’s technical performance, and establish baseline requirements.
Requirements for software. Table 1.0 lists the software development tools used in this study.
Software Requirements
Development Tools
Visual Basic
The developers utilized this software to create the design and screen forms for the Computerized Enrollment System, as well as the database and server.
Microsoft Access is used to manipulate databases and store records.
Hardware Requirements are a list of what you’ll need to get started. Table 2.0 shows the minimum hardware requirements for the CES as determined by the researchers.
Hardware Requirements
Peopleware Recommendation.
Table 3.0 lists the users who would be appropriate for the proposed computerized enrolment system with defined tasks.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
- Intel Dual Core or Higher Processor
- 512 MB to 1 GB Memory (Recommended)
- 80 GB, Hard Disk
- Dual LAN Card
- Standard Keyboard
- Standard Mouse
- Switch
- Monitor
- Printer
Peopleware Recommendation
Software Developers:
Project Manager – Oversees and tracks the entire project’s operations and progress.
System Analysts are in charge of studying, planning, and suggesting software and system options to fulfill a company’s business needs.
Programmer – Writes the source code for the planned system’s development. Must be fluent in the programming language to be used in the system’s development.
Researchers – Additional content and other studies connected to the existing system under development.
Users who should use this product:
User in the backend:
Administrator — Responsible for maintaining and managing file table entries; keeping the server up, running, and safe; keeping track of the log; updating the database; and granting access to authorized system users.
Users on the front end:
Cashier – A person who has access to the payment and student ledger modules and is able to receive and issue payments and receipts.
Registrar – A user with access to the registrar module who can input and validate student grades, as well as generate reports and credentials for students.
Beginners and professionals alike can use the registration procedure. The design and functionality are tailored to the demands of the target users (administration, registrar, and cashier) in order to create a quick, accurate, and efficient registration and record-keeping machine that generates accurate and trustworthy reports for the system’s users.
Model of the System Process. The researchers describe the suggested computerized enrollment system’s context diagram and breakdown diagrams, which show the procedures for each function, the users, and the intended outputs.
The allowed users’ input to the system and the expected output information to the users are depicted in the context diagram in Figure 2.0. Administrator, registrar, and cashier are the users who should be targeted. List of enrolled students, enrolled student complete details, student grades and credentials, user log report, enrollment statistics, and student ledger are the intended outputs of the proposed system.
The system is divided into three modules: administrator, registrar, and cashier. The Administrator will be given access to a module that allows them to control sections, year levels, school years (set active school year – utilized in current enrollment), subjects, permitted users, and the entire system. Manage students (view list), manage credentials (form 137, etc. ), view all enrolled students, view student record (personal record, grades, subjects, and teachers), grade input and validation; View enrollment data – enrolment, view enrolled student complete details (view subject, year-section and teacher) – enrolling students, receiving payments, collecting collectibles, maintaining a payment list, managing fees, and maintaining a student ledger
Model of a database The researchers describe the database model by establishing the entity relationships of the associated tables of the database for the management of students’ records, enrollment details, grades, student credentials, and student ledger using the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD).
The administrator will have full access to the system capabilities and will control the enrollment details, which include section school year, subjects, professors, and staff. Credentials, student records, and grades will be managed by the Registrar’s staff. Enrollment statistics will be viewed by the cashier. Payments are received, collectibles are listed, fees are managed, and a student ledger is maintained.
Implementation and Unit Testing Phase
In a production environment, the system or system modifications will be implemented and functioning. After the user has tested and approved the system, this phase begins. The researchers intend to include the Computerized Enrollment System into their respondents after they have tested the software. The researchers will execute a dry run of the system and train the system’s target users. The system will be checked and evaluated by the target users to see if the system meets the users’ recommended features and suggestions. This phase is repeated until the system meets the established user requirements and is operational.
Integration and System Testing Phase
The system’s numerous components are combined and thoroughly tested. The user tests the system to confirm that the produced or changed system meets the functional requirements as described in the functional requirements document. The generated program will be put to the test to see how well it works.
The program will be pre-installed during the Initial Testing. IT professionals will assess the new software. Using the McCall’s Software Quality Model Evaluation Form, the researchers will write a letter and hand deliver the evaluation form to the IT specialists. After the system has been evaluated, the Software Evaluation Results are tabulated.
After the initial testing, the generated program will be subjected to final testing. In this phase, the researchers will write a letter to the intended users, evaluating the Computerized Enrollment System using the standard User Acceptance Evaluation Form developed by Scates et al. The target users will test and grade the developed system.
Operation and Maintenance Phase
Before being decommissioned, the system may undergo modifications and additions. The system’s performance is closely monitored to ensure that it meets user needs, and any necessary system improvements are implemented. The operating system is evaluated on a regular basis to see how it may be made more efficient and effective. Operations will continue as long as the system can be efficiently tailored to meet the demands of the organization. The system may rejoin the planning phase if essential tweaks or changes are detected. The operation of the system involves user support for the end user or users, which is an important aspect of the election process. Users should be instructed on how to operate the system.
The maintenance phase of the software life cycle is the final stage of the cycle. The maintenance phase begins after the system has passed the design stage and has been installed. The maintenance phase consists of tasks that must be completed in order for the system to remain operational. Individual duties with analyzing the performance of the program after deployment to appropriately handle issues that develop are made possible by understanding the features of the product’s maintenance phase. To keep the system usable and helpful, maintenance is always required.
System Prototype
This section displays the created system’s required report layouts and screen forms.
Layouts for Reports Hard copy documentation for the new system will be provided by the researchers, including a user log report, a list of enrolled students, student grades, form-137, enrollment statistics, and enrolled student complete details.
Forms on a screen. The researchers will show readers screenshot layouts of the system to give them an understanding of how it works.
Implementation Plan and Result
In a production environment, the system or system modifications are installed and made operational. After the system has been tested and accepted by the user, the phase begins. This phase continues until the system meets the established user requirements and is ready to go into production.
After conducting initial and final testing of the program, the researchers hope to integrate the enrollment and record-keeping system “Computerized Enrollment System” with administrators and personnel.
Related Projects: ANHS Enrollment System in VB.Net, Online Student Enrollment System in PHP/MySQLi, Enrollment System Using VB.Net and MS Access
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