Student Grading System in C# and MS Access

January 29, 2021
student grading system in csharp

Project: Student Grading System in C# and MS Access with Source Code

About Student Grading System

Student Grading System is a desktop application that is developed using C# and MS Access database. This Student Grading System in C# aims to provide an accurate assessment of students’ grades by evaluating their learning and performance. This can also help teachers learns the progress and achievement of his/her students.

Student Grading System in C# is designed as a simple and easy-to-use system to understand how the system works efficiently. In this Student Grading System in C#, the user can enter student information such as student Id, first name, last name, attendance score, written quiz score, practical quiz score, project score, and prelim exam score. Once he enters all the Prelim scores, the system will compute the Prelim grade; then, the user can view the prelim grade the student gets and put remarks on whether the student has passed. After computing, the user can also easily save, modify the list and delete the grade reports.

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Features of Student Grading System in C# and MS Access

  • Input raw scores
  • Compute Grades
  • Manage Students
  • Manage Student Grades
  • CRUD
  • Search

How to Run?

  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file (gradingsystem)
  3. Open the folder gradingsystem
  4. Click gradsys.sln to open the system in Visual Studio.
  5. After that, press F5 to run the system

This Student Grading System in C# with Full Source Code is for educational purposes only. You can download it as a reference and expand your knowledge in making a system. You can freely modify it, according to your desire.

student grading system in c#

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