Online Student Enrollment System in PHP MySQL Free Source Code

February 27, 2024
online student enrollment in php

Project: Online Student Enrollment System in PHP MySQL Free Source Code

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on developing a robust Online Student Enrollment System using PHP and MySQL. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the entire process of creating a user-friendly and efficient system for managing student records.

About Online Student Enrollment System Project

The Student Enrollment In PHP is a simple mini project for keeping records of students. The project contains the admin and user sides. The admin can manage all the management like adding student’s details, editing the details if required, and view the enrolled student’s information. Admin has a vital role in the management of this system.

For the user side, a user can view the particular student’s details who are enrolled in different classes. This project is a simple project that makes a convenient way for any educational organization to keep the records of their students.

Student Enrollment is in PHP, javascript, and CSS. Talking about the features of this system, it contains the Admin and user sections. From here, the admin can view all the records of the enrolled students. Also, you can edit or delete any details as per the requirements.
The design of this project is pretty simple, so that the user won’t find any difficulties while working on it.

This Student Enrollment in PHP helps in easy management of various records of the students.

Understanding the Project

Before diving into the technical aspects, let’s grasp the essence of our project. The Student Enrollment System is designed to facilitate educational institutions in managing student data effectively. It comprises two main sections: the admin and user sides.

Admin Section

The admin holds the key to managing the system. With access to functionalities such as adding, editing, and viewing student details, the admin ensures smooth operation and organization within the institution.

User Section

On the user side, individuals can effortlessly access specific student details based on their enrollment in various classes. This user-friendly interface enhances accessibility for all stakeholders involved.

Features of the Online Student Enrollment System in PHP MySQL

Our Student Enrollment System boasts several noteworthy features that contribute to its efficiency and ease of use.

  • Admin Privileges: Complete control over student records, including adding, editing, and deleting details.
  • User-Friendly Design: A simplistic yet intuitive design ensures a seamless experience for both admins and users.
  • Multi-language Support: Ability to adapt to various language preferences, promoting inclusivity.
  • Data Security: Robust measures to safeguard sensitive student information, ensuring confidentiality.
  • Efficient Management: Streamlined processes for managing student records, saving time and effort.

Online Student Enrollment System Flowchart

1. User Accesses Enrollment Website:

  • The process begins when a user accesses the enrollment website through a web browser.

2. Display Homepage:

  • Upon accessing the website, the homepage is displayed, providing initial navigation options.

3. User Action:

  • Users can either choose to log in or register for a new account.

4. Login:

  • If the user selects the login option, the system displays a login form.

5. Register:

  • If the user chooses to register, the system displays a registration form.

6. Credentials Correct?

  • After submitting login credentials, the system verifies whether the credentials are correct.

7. Redirect to Dashboard:

  • If the credentials are correct, the user is redirected to the appropriate dashboard based on their user type (admin or student).

8. Admin Action:

  • Upon accessing the admin dashboard, the admin can perform various actions such as managing students, courses, and viewing reports.

9. Student Action:

  • Upon accessing the student dashboard, the student can enroll in courses or view grades.

10. Manage Students/Courses/View Reports:

  • Within the admin dashboard, the admin can choose to manage students, courses, or view reports.

11. Selected Action:

  • After selecting an action, such as managing students, the admin is directed to the corresponding page.

12. Form Submission and Validation:

  • When submitting forms, such as adding or editing student information, the system validates the input data.

13. Update Database:

  • If the form data is valid, the system updates the database with the new information.

14. Display Success Message/Error Message:

  • After form submission, the system displays a success message if the operation is successful, or an error message if there are validation issues.

15. Enroll in Course/View Grades:

  • Within the student dashboard, students can choose to enroll in courses or view their grades.

16. Course Selected:

  • Upon selecting a course for enrollment, the system either proceeds with enrollment or displays available options.

17. Logout:

  • Users have the option to log out from their account.

18. Return to Dashboard:

  • After logging out, users are redirected to the homepage or login page.

19. End:

  • The flowchart concludes once the user completes their desired actions or logs out from the system.
Online Student Enrollment System Flowchart

Online Student Enrollment System Flowchart

This flowchart provides a detailed overview of the process flow within an Online Student Enrollment System, covering user authentication, role-based access, student and admin functionalities, form submissions, database interactions, and user interactions with the system.

Online Student Enrollment System ER Diagram

Here’s a detailed description of the ER Diagram for the Online Student Enrollment System:

Entity-Relationship Diagram Description


  1. User:
    • Represents users of the system.
    • Attributes include user_id (unique identifier), username, password, and user_type (distinguishes between regular users and administrators).
  2. Student:
    • Represents students enrolled in the system.
    • Inherits attributes from the User entity.
    • Additional attributes include student_id (unique identifier), student_name, email, phone_number, and date_of_birth.
  3. Admin:
    • Represents administrators of the system.
    • Inherits attributes from the User entity.
    • Additional attributes include admin_id (unique identifier), admin_name, and email.
  4. Course:
    • Represents courses offered within the system.
    • Attributes include course_id (unique identifier), course_name, instructor, and credits (number of credits associated with the course).
  5. Enrollment:
    • Represents the enrollment of students in courses.
    • Attributes include enrollment_id (unique identifier), student_id (foreign key referencing Student), course_id (foreign key referencing Course), enrollment_date, and status (indicating the status of enrollment, such as active or completed).
  6. Grade:
    • Represents grades associated with student enrollments.
    • Attributes include grade_id (unique identifier), enrollment_id (foreign key referencing Enrollment), grade (numerical value representing the grade obtained by the student), and grade_type (indicating the type of grade, such as midterm or final).


  • User – Student/Admin:
    • User entity is associated with either Student or Admin entity through an “is-a” relationship, indicating that a user can be either a student or an admin.
  • Student – Enrollment:
    • Students are associated with enrollments through the “enrolls” relationship, indicating that a student can enroll in multiple courses.
  • Course – Enrollment:
    • Courses are associated with enrollments through the “offers” relationship, indicating that a course can have multiple enrollments.
  • Enrollment – Grade:
    • Enrollments are associated with grades through the “has” relationship, indicating that an enrollment can have one or more grades associated with it.
Online Student Enrollment System ER Diagram

Online Student Enrollment System ER Diagram

This ER Diagram provides a clear representation of the entities, their attributes, and the relationships between them within the Online Student Enrollment System, facilitating effective data modeling and system design.

Setting Up the Environment

Now, let’s delve into the practical aspect of setting up the environment to run our project smoothly.


  • XAMPP: Ensure that you have XAMPP installed on your system to serve as a virtual server.
  • Web Browser: Any modern web browser will suffice for accessing the system.

Installation Steps

  1. Download: Begin by downloading the project files from the provided link.
  2. Extract Files: Once downloaded, extract the files to your desired location.
  3. Move to htdocs: Copy the main project folder and paste it into the ‘htdocs’ directory of your XAMPP installation.
  4. Database Configuration: Access phpMyAdmin via your web browser and create a new database named “student”. Import the provided “student.sql” file located in the ‘db’ folder.
  5. Run the Project: Open your web browser and navigate to “http://localhost/student_enrollment” to access the project.

How To Run the Online Student Enrollment System in PHP MySQL

To run this project you must have installed a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC. Student Enrollment System in PHP with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!

After Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP, follow the following steps

1st Step: Extract file
2nd Step: Copy the main project folder
3rd Step: Paste in xampp/htdocs/

Now Connecting Database

4th Step: Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
5th Step: Then, click on the databases tab
6th Step: Create a database naming “student” and then click on the import tab
7th Step: Click on browse file and select “student.sql” file which is inside the “db” folder
8th Step: Click on go.

After Creating Database,

9th Step: Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/student_enrollment”

Project Demonstration


In conclusion, the Student Enrollment System in PHP/MySQL offers a comprehensive solution for educational institutions to manage student records efficiently. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, it simplifies the process of handling student data, ultimately enhancing organizational effectiveness.

Download the project now and embark on the journey towards streamlined student management!

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Free Download Online Student Enrollment System in PHP MySQL Project Source Code

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    • login password not seen

      turyakira obed October 4, 2023 7:35 pm Reply
    • KHHNM

      BNMHJUYIYU September 7, 2021 2:08 am Reply
    • Sir good day, Do I need to activate the users status in the database? Everytime they create an account?

      frances June 24, 2021 11:27 pm Reply
    • I can’t download the source code. Can you help me?

      zahin August 26, 2020 7:22 pm Reply
      • What is the problem?

        admin August 27, 2020 3:15 pm Reply
    • how to acces admin sir?

      lesandro June 19, 2020 12:02 pm Reply
      • see the demo video

        admin June 19, 2020 9:43 pm Reply

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