Project: SMS Application in Android Studio with Source Code
About SMS Application in Android Studio
This SMS Application in Android Studio is an android project with gradle files included which makes it easy to import into Android Studio. Android Studio allows the user to pull this repository directly into a local project from this VCS repository. This is the debugging version and will output to logs as the program runs.
The easiest way to create an executable is to import this project into Android Studio. Android Studio allows the user to create a debug version on a connected physical device. To create a stand-alone apk file, import the project into Android Studio and choose the Generate Signed APK from the build menu to create a release version of the project. More information is available here:
The goals for this project were to create an Android application capable of sending SMS messages between devices with SMS capabilities. The target platform for this application is Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and later.
The program meets the following requirements:
- A main activity displaying recent contacts.
- An options menu allowing users to enable or disable notifications.
- A new message activity that allows the user to send an SMS message to a phone number.
- A chatting conversation activity listing the received and sent messages to a contact.
How to Run?
To run the project, first, install Android Studio and import the project from the studio’s homepage. Your project set up will automatically start. All the Gradle build files will automatically install inside your project root directory. Run the project and set up your virtual device and run the emulator. The project will start, and you will see the home screen.