Project: ANHS Enrollment System in VB.Net With Source Code
This is a complete enrollment system for the Andulauan National High School project. It is created using Visual Basic 2019 and MS access 2016 for the database and its use crystal report for generating various reports. Using this system, you can store information fast and in a convenient way. The student enrolls in a computerized system will lessen the faculty staff’s effort in storing files of each student now and then. This will also serve as information, especially for the irregular students, first-year students, transfer, and professor in able to get access in course, subject, professor, and enrollees.
Features of this Project:
- Adding new students, Search and Update records and listing of students
- This system also can able to change the status of each student
- You can Add, Search and Update subjects at every year level
- Add grades to a subject taken by the students
- Report for a List of students by Year
- Report Drop Students
- Report for Transferees and failed students
- And the system has a User management system for user login and logout
Administrator’s Account:
Username :admin
Password: a
Other Requirements To Run The Project:
- Connector/NET
- MS Access and Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016
- To generate reports, download Crystal Reports for Visual Studio here: Download